Research project AG/FF/083 (Research action AG)
1.Name of the Institution
Ministry of Social Affairs, Public Health and the Environment
2. Description of the MGD project (Minimum Geriatric Data)
On the basis of the national databases MFD (Minimum Financial Data), MCD (Minimum Clinical Data) and MND (Minimum Nursing Data), study the pathology profile and the functioning of patients older than age 75 in relation to the length of stay, the seriousness of care on the nursing level and the cost of RIZIV actions.
3. Mission to be performed
a. by the research team
- Analyse the ICD-9-CM code (International Classification of Diseases, ninth revision) in order to measure possible criteria concerning the functioning (e.g.: incontinence, confusion, dependency, etc.) of older patients;
- Incorporation of selected codes/items into the MCD (in institutions which participate on a voluntary basis);
- Addition of criteria which measure the autonomy of older patients (ADL = Activities of Daily Life and I-ADL Instrumental Activities of Daily Life) in the same institutions, as well as criteria which measure cognitive functioning (MMSE = Mini-Mental State Examination);
- Study of the variables: length of stay, seriousness of care on the nursing level, cost of RIZIV actions, as a function of a regrouping of the older patients (acute, sub-acute and chronic).
b. by the public institution
- The mission of the public institution (RIZIV and the Ministry of Public Health, Social Affairs and Environment) consists of providing the necessary data files ( MCD-MFD-MND) so as to be able to perform the necessary analyses.
4. Final product
a. for the research team
- The delivery of a linked database;
- Development of a model (= an instrument) for regrouping older patients > 75 years on the basis of pathology and functioning criteria, thus making it possible to distinguish categories as a function of the above-mentioned variables.
b. for the public institution
- The linked database and the model will be used concretely as a policy-supporting instrument within the present-day senior citizens policy.
5. Valorisation of the final product
a. by the public institution
- The database will be further used internally within the government institutions as a function of other policy objectives concerning care for the elderly;
- The data will be implemented in our national databases;
- The database will be used to make international comparisons possible;
- At the same time, it will be used as a future policy instrument in the field of care for the elderly.
b. for the public
- Preparation of anonymous statistical tables;
- Other researchers (researchers and parties interested in the field) will - subject to certain conditions - receive access to the obtained database.
6. Special conditions
- An advisory committee will be set up composed of representatives from the ministerial staffs, the Ministry of Social Affairs, Public Health and the Environment, the RIZIV, Communities and Regions, experts and the research team.
- A confidentiality clause will be drawn up together with all participants in the research.
- The research team receives access to the data of the public institution under the conditions established in a specific document.
- An employee of the research team will, depending on the necessity for the research, work a specific percentage of the time at the Ministry of Social Affairs, Public Health and the Environment.
Résumé Gériatrique Minimum : prise en compte des spécificités des services gériatriques : rapport final
Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2006 (SP1563)
[To download]
Résumé Gériatrique Minimum : prise en compte des spécificités des services gériatriques : annexes
Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2006 (SP1564)
[To download]