Intelligent exploitation tools for non-structured information for the Belgian federal police

Research project AG/GG/101 (Research action AG)

Persons :

Description :

At the moment a potential source of information remains unexploited at the federal police. The federal police of Belgium have several non-structured sources of information, from which knowledge could be obtained for analysis purposes. However, it is difficult to make use of this information because it is non-structured; text mining tools offer a solution to these problems. These tools enable to index and classify unstructured information and to annotate them with metadata. The better these information can be indexed, classified and labeled, the more accessible and useful these information becomes for the users. These tools can support the retrieval, querying (searching), management, structuring, visualizing and extraction of relevant information from (electronically available) textual and multi-media documents, within the different services of the Belgian Federal Police.

The aim of the INFO-NS project is to provide an objective study to the applicability of mining and decision support tools for the Belgian Federal Police (BFP). More specifically, it is studied how information retrieval, extraction and processing tools might leverage intelligence and decision support by exploiting and linking the information that is contained in vast amounts of free text material with any coexisting, structured but concise data sets that are currently in use.

Documentation :

"Intelligente" exploitatietools voor niet gestructureerde informatie ten behoeve van de noden van de Federale Politie : eindrapport    Brussel : Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2005 (SP1537)
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