Construction of a panel database of unemployed persons for longitudinal research within the National Employment Office

Research project AG/GG/108 (Research action AG)

Persons :

Description :

This database will be based on the courses that follow original NEO-claimants over a long-term period of time (5 to 10 years).

In order to fully explore this database, it has to be linked with other institutions by way of the Cross-Roads Bank for Social Security in order to register the outflow at other institutions and other social security situations (National Sickness and Invalidity Office, National Social Security Office-LATG database, National Pensions Office and any other institution which might come to be integrated into the data warehouse). In this sense, it is therefore a transinstitutional project, but each institution wants to carry out research in accordance with its own objectives. As a result, the NEO must select and maintain its own representative sample.