An explorative analysis of the health survey 2004 for the 65+ population (HS65+)

Research project AG/II/130 (Research action AG)

Persons :

Description :

The goals of the research project HIS65+ are the development of a set of health indicators based on the Health Interview Survey 2004 (HIS) for persons aged 65 and over, an exploration of the potential of the HIS as a source of information for the planning of elderly care, the identification of research needs and the formulation of concrete proposals for further research.

Five topics of analysis shall be pursued:
1. identification of risk factors for use of health care provisions
2. analysis of the effect of social and economic characteristics on the use of health care provisions by the elderly
3. analysis of the effect of spatial supply characteristics on social care use by the elderly
4. further development of tools for geriatric practice
5. development of tools for care planning

Based on a screening of analyses of Health Interview Surveys and surveys of the elderly in other European countries, and depending on the outcomes of focus group meetings, other or additional project proposals shall be worked out. A single project shall subsequently be selected as a pilot scheme.