Research project AG/II/136 (Research action AG)
In this research project we want to study the socioeconomic background of children and young people that are confronted with measures of child and youth care. Are children and young people from poor families more referred to youth care than others? Besides with this project the foundation is laid for longitudinal research on the socioeconomic situation of these children and young people at an adult age. To which extent do referrals to youth care provide opportunities for children and young people in further live? We want to obtain this information by crossing data of the national database ‘data warehouse labour market’ from the cross point databank from Social Security with the recording systems from the different departments of ‘youth care’. We work out which variables are best suitable to describe the socioeconomic background of the children and young people concerned; in which manner this information might best be handled; and how longitudinal studies can be based upon this project. This project is set up in consultation and dialogue with all actors concerned: organisations where poor people are represented, administrations, institutions and researchers. This project is carried out in close collaboration with the ‘Service for the fight against poverty, insecurity and social exclusion’ and the three Communities. This collaboration fits in with the ‘agreement of collaboration between the federal State, the Communities and the Regions concerning the continuation of the policy to combat poverty’.
Plaatsing van kinderen en armoede : samenvatting
Brussel : Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2011 (SP2296)
[To download]
Placement des enfants et pauvreté : résumé
Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2011 (SP2297)
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Placement of children and poverty : summary
Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2011 (SP2298)
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