Research project AG/JJ/140 (Research action AG)
Social elections are a very important democratic moment within the Belgian model of social dialogue. The development and the strengthening of this model of social dialogue are seen as essential tasks of the Federal Public Service Employment, Labour and Social Dialogue (FOD WASO). As a consequence the results of the social elections have to be disseminated with the utmost quality care. From this quality perspective, the strong need has been formulated to optimalise the data quality, reporting and dissemination.
Based on this formulated objective, the project tasks have been divided in 4 steps:
- Data optimization for each social elections: data editing (detection and correction of mistakes) en data imputation (to counterbalance missing and unusable data);
- An integrated data base: a) Data linking and creation of comparable variables for all social elections; b) Harmonization of background variables; c) Technical filing; d) Description of meta-data and creation of a user manual;
- Development of a new format for presentation: structured input of indicators regarding the democratic proceedings (dimensions, choices, equally division of votes, development of a web application;
- The final report contains a trend analysis for the period 1975-2008.
The conduct of these project steps is supported by two initiatives (an international seminar and a users’ survey). The project is assigned to HIVA-K.U.Leuven.
58 kaarsjes voor het sociale overlegmodel. Sociale verkiezingen van 1950 tot 2008 : onderzoeksrapport
Brussel : Federaal Wetenschapbeleid, 2011 (SP2251)
[To download]
58 bougies pour le modèle de concertation sociale. Les élections sociales de 1950 à 2008 : rapport de recherche
Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2011 (SP2252)
[To download]