Development of an interactive webbased database including activities, actors, policy goals related to environment and health (DES)

Research project AG/KK/156 (Research action AG)

Persons :

  • Dr.  TORFS Rudi - Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek (VITO)
    Coordinator of the project
    Financed belgian partner
    Duration: 1/12/2009-30/11/2011
  • Mme  DEWOLF Marie-Christine - Hygiène Publique en Hainaut asbl (HPH)
    Financed belgian partner
    Duration: 1/12/2009-30/11/2011

Description :

The main project goal is to frame & develop a dynamic database, accessible via the website, which permits optimization of the exchange of information and expert’s appraisal in function of existing objectives as formulated in action plans and legislation on environment and health (E & H). In the framework of “bridging the gap between science and policy making”, the accent of this database is mainly on the aspect of “policy making” as many databases & reference systems for scientific research already exist. This research makes part of the NEHAP, National Environmental Health Action Plan, in which the need for such an integrated instrument was formulated.

The project intends, within the policy domain of E & H, to develop a structured overview of the actors, the activities on the terrain and on the policy plans.

In this research project, on developing an interactive database on E & H issues, 3 important aspects are included:

a) Integration and participation of actors in order to promote the benefits of such a database and to keep the database alive after finishing the project.
b) Technical analysis of the interactive web-database.
c) Inventory of data.

Attention will be given to the identification of actors, their function and needs on the level of policy relevant E & H information. The actors will be involved in the framing of the database. The technical implementation will take place by the ICT service of the Federal Government Service for Environment (FOD Leefmilieu).