Valorisation of results from COST research

Research project AM/13/017 (Research action AM)

Persons :

Description :

Research into single-window (one-stop) counters forms part of the topic relative to relations between public administrators and the citizens/users of public services insofar as the ultimate aim of these single-window counters is to improve the performance of public services in respect of their citizens/users. Moreover, this research largely involves the issue of civil service integration within the information society since the development of single-window counters and, more broadly of an electronic civil service is one of the driving elements behind the information society’s development.


Two objectives underpin this project : valorisation, along with federal public administrators, of the information basis regarding the single-window counters developed within the framework of the COST network; and the conducting of an in-depth analysis of cases of Single-Window Service Delivery recorded in the COST survey in order to carry out a useful and relevant transfer of knowledge for the officials in charge of developing this type of strategy within the federal civil service. Over and above the six cases recorded by COST, the ‘Service Ontario’ project from Canada will also be developed insofar as it provides an international example of best practice in terms of Single-Window Service Delivery.

Documentation :

Valorisation des résultats de recherches COST : des guichets uniques en quête de gestion  Lobet-Maris, Claire - Nigot, Sylvie - Henin, Laurent  Gent : Academia Press, 2003 (PB5908)

Valorisation des résultats de recherches COST. Des guichets uniques en quête de gestion : résumé    Bruxelles : SSTC, 2003 (SP1121)
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