Science metrology for micro and nanotechnologies, Part 1/2

Research project AP/19 (Research action AP)

Persons :

  • M.  STOCKMAN Yvan - Université de Liège (ULiège)
    Coordinator of the project
    Financed belgian partner
    Duration: 15/5/2006-15/12/2006

Description :

In a first work package, the project aims to establish an overview of nano metrology in Belgium, pointing out the techniques used by our companies, research centers and universities in this field. This work will be achieved through information enquiry at the identified entities. This way will give indications of the demand in term of instrumental gauging.
In parallel, a study of the international state-of-the-art in the domain through an exhaustive bibliographic research (ISO and other standards, scientific journals, documents made available by foreign bureau of standards or other international organisations) will be performed.

At the end of the first step, a report will be presented to the concerned federal authorities and a meeting with the latter will be held in order to allow selecting one or more techniques the most appropriate to answer the needs expressed by the Belgian end-users. Care will be taken at defining specifications coherently with these needs.

The second work package includes the conceptual study of a 3D metrology instrument at the micro-nanometric scale. On the basis of the specifications in term of measurement range and accuracy, a design principle of a metrology tool will be issued. The latter can be the combination of measurement head (commercial or combining commercial or custom-made subassemblies) connected to an ultra-accurate positioning device for the measurement of the head position.
The output of this work package will be a conceptual design with statement of the performances of the subsets, dimensional and mechanical tolerances. Schemes of the unit and its subsets will be delivered.

The third work package, in parallel with the preceding one, will aim at defining standards for this type of instrument or, if necessary, to propose standards already developed and used in the foreign reference laboratories. The result will be a report with the detailed characteristics of the standards, with if necessary the co-ordinates of possible suppliers.

Documentation :

Science metrology for micro and nanotechnologies, Part 1/2 : final report    Brussels : Federal Science Policy, 2007 (SP1823)
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