Research project AP/32 (Research action AP)
This project has three main goals:
1) The development of minimal technical requirements for cryptographic algorithms and implementations for information depending on the classification level. These requirements have to correspond to NATO and EU norms.
2) The analysis of vulnerabilities and the development of countermeasures for the development and the evaluation of cryptographic products and information security solutions depending on the classification level
3) Development of techniques and methods for the evaluation of the above mentioned product functionalities with as goal to obtain a common criteria certification up to level EAL4 or the approval of a cryptographic product for classified applications.
The project is organized in four work packages:
WP1 Inventory of existing security standards
WP2 Mathematical evaluation of cryptographic algorithms and protocols
WP3 Evaluation of software and hardware implementations of cryptographic algorithms and protocols
WP 4 Requirements for a certification agency
The results of the research will be electronic documents. They will be written first in English. The partners intend to make most of these documents public, subject to the constraints imposed by the government representatives in the project. It is of course clear that no classified information can be made public. On the other hand, as academic institutions publications are our major form of measurable output.