Research project AP/34 (Research action AP)
The Middle East, neighbour to the European Union, has been the theatre of instability for decades. This situation has important implications for the foreign polities of the EU as well as Belgium. Growing tensions between Sunni and Shia Muslims, and the growing self-confidence of the latter seem to create a new reality that could change the existing power balance. This possible transformation deserves a thorough analysis, regarding the possible repercussions on the relations Belgium has with the region. All too often the existing information is second-hand, shows gaps or does not treat the problem in a global framework.
The first question treated will be the nature and intensity of the relations between different Sunni and Shia groups, more specifically the evolution of their proximity and possible ideological or theological differences. Next, the relations that Belgium shares with the countries mentioned will be analyzed, knowing that they can be influenced by tensions between Sunnites and Shiites in Belgium and the EU.
EGMONT together with UCL and UGent will start a research project of twelve months analyzing the phenomena mentioned, formulate operational recommendations and organize training courses for a better understanding of these conflicts and their consequences.