How much income do families need? Minimum budgets and financial support (MINIBUDGET)

Research project AP/40 (Research action AP)

Persons :

Description :

The purpose of this project is to develop minimum budgets for a large number of Belgian family types. These minimum budgets can be put to good use (1) to measure the size and depth of poverty and social exclusion, (2) as a guideline in setting levels of extra support, in setting up debt repayment plans, in establishing maintenance, and so forth, (3) to evaluate the effectiveness of minimum income protection, (4) to encourage Belgian and European policy-makers to put measures in place for a socially inclusive society.

This study is based on a general theory on human needs put forward by Doyle & Gough (1991), and continues the current work of the KHK. However, the family types are extended to include parents, and a number of other cost factors are included, such as health problems, transport, children’s (higher) education, and housing costs for (elderly) owners. The results will therefore have greater relevance.

The methodology aims to achieve maximum transparency, maximum acceptability and maximum relevance. We aim to achieve maximum transparency by fully specifying the various standard sets of goods and services on which the budget is based and providing all the reasons and arguments for including them in these sets. The best way to achieve maximum acceptability of these minimum budgets is to organise focus group discussions with low-income families.

Documentation :

Minibudget: Wat hebben gezinnen nodig om menswaardig te leven in Belgïe? Eindrapport = Quel est le revenu nécessaire pour une vie digne en Belgique? Rapport final    Brussel : Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2010 (SP2232)
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