Belgian-Russian Cooperation on Space Exploration (BRSPACE)
Research project BL/FSI/13 (Research action
Persons :
- Dr.
KARATEKIN Ozgur - Royal Observatory of Belgium ()
Coordinator of the project
Financed belgian partner
Duration: 1/11/2013-31/10/2016
- Dr. Ir.
VANDAELE Ann Carine - Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy (IASB-BIRA)
Financed belgian partner
Duration: 1/11/2013-31/10/2016
- Prof. dr.
CLAEYS Philippe - Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)
Financed belgian partner
Duration: 1/11/2013-31/10/2016
- Dr.
SVETSOV Vladimir - Institute of Dynamics of Geospheres (Russia) (IDG)
Financed foreign partner
Duration: 1/11/2013-31/10/2016
- Dr.
KORABLEV Oleg - Space Research Institute (Russia) (IKI)
Financed foreign partner
Duration: 1/11/2013-31/10/2016