Shrimp immune responses to biological stresses .Sustainable aquaculture (AQSTRESS)

Research project BL/IN/10 (Research action BL)

Persons :

  • Dr.  BOSSIER Peter - Universiteit Gent (UGent)
    Coordinator of the project
    Financed belgian partner
    Duration: 15/12/2015-15/12/2017

Description :

The involved research teams complement one another in the scientific area of expertise, experience with different fish and shellfish species, and scientific/technical perspectives. The networking activities will create a momentum to gain new insight into the respective ongoing projects – ‘AquaStress at Ghent University (UGent)’ and ‘shrimp immune responses to biological stressors at Fisheries College/ Marine Biotechonology, Nitte University, Medical Sciences Complex’.

The network aims at:
- Identifying PhD student(s) for double degree study between UGent and KVAFSU/Marine Biotechonology, Nitte University on theme of complimentary interest for this joint study – ‘Aquastress’ and ‘shrimp immune responses’.
- Participation in, and presentation at conferences/symposiums of interest for this study in India and Belgium.
- Joint workshop for PhD students on methodologies and concepts used in “aquaculture stress research”.
- Staff/student exchanges for training purposes in new methodologies, planning of experiments and for interpretation of study results.
The action will also facilitate the coordination of activities of researchers at Indo-European level, including training of early stage researchers, and directly benefit sustainable aquaculture development.

Coordinator India : Dr. Indrani Karunasagar, Veterinary Animal & Fisheries Sciences University/Nitte University, Karnataka