Research project C2/008 (Research action C2)
The biomedical fungi and yeasts collection BCCM/IHEM contains over 6.500 strains, of public health or related environmental interest. Special attention is given not only to fungi pathogenic for man or animal but also to allergenic species (Alternaria and Cladosporum). The collection holds various subcollections of fungi linked to specific diseases: for example a subcollection of over 500 Aspergillus fumigatus strains, and over 300 Candida albicans strains isolated from human invasive diseases. Also present are important collections of keratinophilic fungi (dermatophytes, mainly Trichophyton and Microsporum) and black yeasts (Exophiala, Phialophora).
In 1998 the RV collection of the Institute for Tropical Medicine (ITG, Antwerp) was incorporated in the BCCM/IHEM collection. This collection contains circa 11.500 strains and represents almost all fungi and yeasts of medical importance from all over the world (97 countries): 5.450 yeast strains (world’s biggest Cryptococcus collection), 3.350 dermatophytes, 2.600 filamentous fungi and almost 200 Pneumocystis strains.