Research project C3/005 (Research action C3)
The project will develop a computer system for the data management of the Belgian Coordinated Collections of Micro-organisms (BCCM).
The BCCM’s computer action plan has been established as a result of the technical audit of the BCCM collections, realised in 1999 by professor R. Herzog (Université Libre de Bruxelles – Vrije Universiteit Brussel, ULB/VUB), and the decisions related to the information management taken by the BCCM’s direction committee.
This action plan contains the analysis and the development, by the computer scientist of the BCCM collections, of a multi-user computer system dedicated to the management of all data of the BCCM collections. The same computer technology will have to be applied for all four BCCM collections , which will respect the recommendations resulting from the technical audit made in 1999.
In a first phase, this system will manage the catalogue data of the biological material of the BCCM collections. Then, also the other data of the BCCM collections (preservation and storage of the biological material, clients and services, follow up of the procedures related to quality control....) will be integrated.