BCCM/IHEM, biomedical fungi and yeasts collection

Research project C4/10/007 (Research action C4)

Persons :

Description :

The BCCM/IHEM culture collection holds about 20,000 strains of filamentous fungi and yeasts of public health or environmental interest. This collection includes, among others, numerous filamentous fungi and yeasts which are allergenic or pathogenic for man and animal. Important subcollections of strains set up in the framework of epidemiological studies are also available, mainly from the genera Aspergillus, Candida and Cryptococcus. BCCM/IHEM culture collection has incorporated the strains from the Raymond Vanbreuseghem (RV) Collection from the Belgian Institute of Tropical Medicine (Antwerp), a historical collection which is very rich in dermatophytes from all over the world.

Documentation :

BCCM server