Integrated modelling of the hydrological cycle in a view of climate change

Research project CG/DD1/08 (Research action CG)

Persons :

Description :

The main objectives of the project are :

1. improving knowledge of the dynamics of the hydrologic cycle at different time and space scales using calibrated and validated numerical (distributed) models with varying degree of explanation and integration;
2. predicting the effect of global climate change on the hydrological cycle and on the evolution of water resources at subbasin and basin scale using the calibrated and validated models, mentioned in the first objective.

The main project activities are :

- The model development, testing, calibration and validation
Three different modelling approaches will be used and tested using the data of 4 to 5 representative watersheds belonging to the two main basins in Belgium. Considerable work will be devoted to the development of hydro-information systems, to the development, implementation, calibration and validation of the models. The models used in the comparative analysis are all distributed models, but are different in the degree of explanation and level of integration.

- The comparison of models performance using different time and space scales
The calibrated and validated models will be compared at different levels of the hydrological cycle. The performance of the models will be tested with respect to their ability to describe the overland, subsurface and groundwater flows at different time and space scales.

- The sensitivity analysis of the tested models with regard to the effects of climatic changes.
Here, project activities are focused on testing the models with respect to their capacity to simulate the effects of climate changes on the different components of the hydrological cycle and on the evolution of water resources.

Furthermore, some partners will address the following specific tasks :
- formulation of climatic scenarios in view of global climate change
- assessment of the confidence and reliability of the calibrated model and
- evaluation of the effects of land use changes on the hydrology