Research project CP/23 (Research action CP)
The European Commission published in 1997 the White Paper ‘Energy for the Future: Renewable Sources of Energy’. The target proposed consists in producing 12% of the gross inland consumption of the EU from renewable energy sources by 2010. For the moment, the current EU contribution amounts to about 6%.
Belgium has integrated the European targets concerning electricity coming from renewable sources within its regional and federal legislation. Belgium aims at producing 6% of its electricity consumption using renewable sources by 2010.
The actual contribution of renewable sources in Belgium is limited to about 1% of the electricity consumption.
Project description
The work proposed consists of an analysis from a 'macro-perspective' of the past 25 years of renewable energies in Belgium and an outlook towards the next 25 years ahead. It aims at an in-depth analysis of policy, technology and market performances in Belgium and internationally, allowing a benchmarking of Belgian policy:
- Analysis of the support schemes, technology and market development, and its contribution to the primary energy consumption in Belgium of the envisaged renewable energy technologies in the 25 years after the first energy crisis.
- Benchmarking the Belgian support schemes, technology and market development using performance indicators to allow comparison with relevant international examples, and extract recommended practice for Belgium
- Definition of a solar roadmap of the coming 25 years of market development of the envisaged renewable energy technologies based on the analysis of the potential and the above mentioned benchmarking.
Note that the envisaged technologies are based on solar-derived resources:
- Wind energy (on-shore and off-shore).
- Solar Thermal and Photovoltaics.
- Biomass.
The proposal "Solar Roadmap 2000 - 2025" consists of 4 main tasks:
- Policy analysis on energy and renewable energy in particular in Belgium and on international level.
- Review of market and technology development in Belgium and on international level.
- Benchmarking of the Belgian policy.
- Development of a "Roadmap" for the future policy.
A stakeholder forum discussion is foreseen to review the interpretation of the research team and to strengthen the relevance of the results.
Expected results and/or products
The objective of the proposal is to rationalise the policy efforts in the field of renewable energy. The exploitation of the results will be done by active involvement of a wide range of stakeholder, sharing the insights and integrating feed-back from different stakeholders into the final results.
The success of this research work can measured to the extent by which local, regional and federal public authorities take into account the recommendations in their future policy.
The "Solar Roadmap 2000 - 2025" has to become a reference guide for rational policy making in the area of renewable energy. It has the ambition to assist the Belgian policy makers to become a prominent and pro-active player in renewable energy on an international level.
3E nv
Main activities:
- photovoltaic solar energy;
- active solar thermal energy;
- wind power;
- hydro power;
- energy in buildings;
- energy and environmental policy.
IMEC - MCP Division
Main activities:
- new process technologies for the next generation of chips, optoelectronic components, microsystems, solar cells, sensors;
- education and training of experts in the field of microelectronics through its microelectronics training centre;
- co-operates closely with the Flemish universities to employ the available competence as optimally as possible, on research and development as well as on training.
Fondation Universitaire Luxembourgeoise
- energy management in buildings;
- indoor air quality measurement and control;
- odours measurements;
- landscape environmental evaluation.
UCL, Prof. Joseph Martin
The research activities of the Unité TERM are directly linked with energetic systems, applied thermodynamics, fluids mechanics and heat transfer. An important specific research group has been organised, the Groupe Energie Biomasse (GEB -
Contact Information
Geert Palmers
3E nv
Verenigingsstraat 39, B-1000 Brussels
Tel: +32 (0)2 217 58 68; Fax: +32 (0)2 219 79 89
Johan Nijs
IMEC - MCP Division
Kapeldreef 75, B-3001 Heverlee
Tel: +32 (0)16 28 12 84; Fax: +32 (0)16 28 15 01
Louis Goffin
Fondation Universitaire Luxembourgeoise (FUL)
185, avenue de Longwy, B-6700 Arlon
Tel: +32 (0)63 23 08 31; Fax: +32 (0)63 23 08 00
Joseph Martin and Léon Bolle
Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL)
Unité TERM - Groupe Energie Biomasse
Bât. Stévin, 2, place du Levant, B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
Tel: +32 (0)10 47 22 05; Fax: +32 (0)10 45 26 92
Users Committee
For the complete and most up-to-date composition of the Users Committee, please consult our Federal Research Actions Database (FEDRA) by visiting (The OSTC - Scientific activities).
Renewable Energy Evolution in Belgium 1974 - 2025 : final report
Palmers, G. - Dooms, G. - Shaw, S. ... et al Brussels : Federal Science Policy, 2004 (SP1332)
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