Integrated approach for the control on residues of coccidiostats in eggs

Research project CP/29 (Research action CP)

Persons :

  • Dr. Ir.  HUYGHEBAERT Gerard - Ministère de l'Agriculture (AGRI_1)
    Financed belgian partner
    Duration: 15/11/2001-14/5/2005
  • Dr.  DELAHAUT Philippe - Rural Economy Centre ()
    Financed belgian partner
    Duration: 15/11/2001-14/5/2005
  • Dr.  DAESELEIRE Els - Instituut voor landbouw en Visserij Onderzoek (ILVO)
    Financed belgian partner
    Duration: 15/11/2001-14/5/2005

Description :


Since a few decades our society is concerned about the microbiological and chemical safety of food. Several crises, mainly of animal origin, (hormones, PCB’s, BSE,...) broke out with a decline in consumption of certain foodstuffs as a consequence. To prevent such crises in the future and to be able to guarantee safe food for the consumers, an effective control is necessary. To perform efficient controls (Directive 96/23/EC) on the correct use of veterinary drugs and on the absence of forbidden substances an economic liable approach, based on a combination of immunological and mass spectrometric methods, is necessary.

Project description


The concrete aim of the project is to set up an integrated approach for the control on the presence of residues of coccidiostats in eggs. Coccidiostats are compounds that are widely used to prevent and treat coccidiosis, a contagious amoebic disease. These compounds are licensed in broilers and in young chickens but not in laying hens. Accidental cross contamination during the manufacturing of the feed can lead to residues in eggs. The applicability of the methods on incurred samples will be tested and in the last stage of the project, a monitoring program will be executed. Out of the several compounds that were introduced since 1948 as coccidiostat, five compounds were chosen to be studied : diclazuril, dimetridazole, nicarbazin, halofuginone and robenidine.


To perform the control on residues in an efficient and economical liable way, the pyramid structure is used. This means that initially the samples are screened by mostly immunological methods. These latter have the advantage that a big number of samples can be analysed at the same time at a reasonable price. The disadvantage of these methods is the occurrence of cross-reactivity, so it is always necessary to confirm a positive result with a physico-chemical technique. These techniques are more expensive but are able to identify the molecule and can quantify in a reliable way. At this moment mass spectrometry is the method of choice for this task.

The development of the immunological methods consist in the synthesis of antigen and conjugate, the production of the polyclonal antibodies, the development of ELISA-tests and the optimalisation of the clean-up of the egg matrix for the ELISA-tests. The development of the liquid chromatographic - mass spectrometric methods (LC/MS) is done by successively the optimisation of the mass spectrometric conditions, of the chromatographic conditions and of the clean up of the egg matrix.

As well the immunological as the mass spectrometric methods will be validated according to the criteria set by revision of Decision 93/256/EC. The applicability of the developed methods will be tested on contaminated samples. Therefore laying hens will be fed with medicated feed at two concentration levels for each compound. The contaminated eggs will be gathered and the influence on the zootechnical parameters (egg weight, feed conversion,...) will be checked. The eggs will be analysed by both immunological and mass spectrometric methods. Excretion curves and withdrawal times will be established. In the last stage of the project 300 eggs from different sources on the Belgian market will be collected, screened with the immunological methods and positive samples will be confirmed with the mass spectrometric methods.

Interaction between the different partners

The Laboratoire d’Hormonologie is responsible for the development and validation of the immunological screening methods. The DVK is responsible for the development and validation of the LC/MS confirmation methods. For the optimisation of the clean up of the egg matrix for mass spectrometric detection, the immunoaffinity columns which are made with the antibodies of the immunological methods will be used.

The DVV is responsible for the treatment of the animals and the research on the zootechnical parameters. The analysis of the eggs coming from the treated animals and of the commercial available eggs will be executed by the Laboratoire d’Hormonologie and by the DVK.

Literature and standard material will be exchanged between partners during the whole project.

Link with other International Programmes

The results will be complement to those from the European project "Poultry Check".

Expected results and/or products

Belgian will have the ability to perform monitoring on eggs for the presence of the 5 coccidiostats in a reliable and economical liable way. By using the fully validated methods in monitoring programmes, the faith of the consumer in the quality of his food can be renewed and/or strengthened.
By monitoring the Belgian eggs, a picture will be get of the contamination level of eggs with coccidiostats and corrective measures can be taken in case of problems.
The results obtained will be published in international scientific journals with referee system. The results will also be presented at symposia concerning the safety of food to the sectors involved.



The DVK is carrying out research to improve the market position, quality, hygiene and transformation of animal products. The chemical division is doing research on the development and validation of methods for the detection of veterinary drugs and contaminants in food stuffs.

The Laboratoire d’Hormonologie is doing research on the development of immunological and physico-chemical methods in the field of residues and micropollutants to determine these substances. Tranquillisers and antibiotics are the main current focus.

The experimental trials which are carried out in DVV are focused on the improvement of the animal efficacy, thereby reducing the production costs, on the reduction of the environmental pollution, thereby increasing the sustainability of the poultry industry and on the improvement of the quality of eggs and poultry meat, thereby improving the animals wellfare.


Dr. Apr. Els Daeseleire
Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap
Agricultural Research Centre - Ghent
Department of Animal Product Quality and Transformation Technology
Brusselsesteenweg 370
B-9090 Melle
Tel: +32 (0)9 272 30 32; Fax: +32 (0)9 272 30 01

Dr. Philippe Delahaut
Centre d’Economie Rurale Laboratoire d’Hormonologie
Rue du Carmel 1
B-6900 Marloie
Tel: +32 (0)84 31 00 90; Fax: +32 (0)84 31 61 08

Dr. ir. Gerard Huyghebaert
Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap
Agricultural Research Centre - Ghent Department of Animal Nutrition and Husbandry, Section Small Stock Husbandry
Burg. Van Gansberghelaan 92
B-9820 Merelbeke
Tel: +32 (0)9 272 25 05; Fax: +32 (0)9 272 25 01

Users Committee

The users committee is composed of persons coming from government institutions, consumer organisations, egg products industry and mash manufacturers. Thereby, the project can dispose of the necessary technical, legal and scientific feedback and professional help. On the other hand, the members of the committee can make immediately use of the research results in order to execute an efficient control on residues of coccidiostats in eggs and to inform the consumers.

- Bruno Buts - FOD Volksgezondheid, Veiligheid van de Voedselketen en Leefmilieu - Algemene Eetwareninspectie - Brussel
- Vera Cantaert - FOD Economie, KMO, Middenstand en Energie - Dienst Controle beleid - Brussel
- Chris Cassan - Alpharma Animal Health Division - Antwerpen
- Peter Coucke - Instituut voor de aanmoediging van Innovatie door Wetenschap en Technologie in Vlaanderen (IWT) - Biotechnologie, Voeding en Landbouw - Brussel
- Yvan Dejaegher - Beroepsvereniging van de mengvoederfabrikanten (BEMEFA vzw) - Brussel
- Sébastien Goux - SPF Santé publique, Sécurité de la Chaîne alimentaire et Environnement - Inspection générale des Denrées alimentaires - Bruxelles
- Henk Leclyne - Elanco - Brussel (plaatsvervanger)
- Daniel Maenhout - Pingo - Merksem
- Gwendoline Maertens - Verbruikers Unie Test-Aankoop C.V.B.A. - Brussel
- Lieven Tange - Intervet - Mechelen
- Kris Ternier - FOD Economie, KMO, Middenstand en Energie - Brussel
- Wouter Thienpont - FOD Economie, KMO, Middenstand en Energie - Brussel (plaatsvervanger)
- Filip Timmerman - Elanco - Brussel
- Leo Van Leemput - Janssen Animal Health - Beerse
- Jo Van Parys - Beroepsvereniging van de mengvoederfabrikanten (BEMEFA vzw) - Brussel
- Walter Vanhofstraeten - AVEVE - Merksem
- Marc Vergeynst - FOD Economie, KMO, Middenstand en Energie - Dienst Zuivel- en Pluimveeproductie - Brussel
- Ingrid Vermaut - Vanden Avenne Ooigem - Ooigem
- Veerle Zonnekeyn - Alpharma Animal Health Division - Antwerpen

Documentation :

Integrated approach for the control on residues of coccidiostats in eggs : final report  Daeseleire, Els - Mortier, Leen - Delahaut, Philippe ... et al  Brussels : Belgian Science Policy, 2005 (SP1510)
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