Research project CP/43 (Research action CP)
In 2000 the amount of vehicle kilometres driven on Belgian roads increased by 30% compared to 1990 and has tripled compared to 1970. This increase in traffic demand has raised concerns in Belgium, as in many other countries, about air pollution, climate change, noise and congestion.
Policy makers are hence challenged to work out strategies and action plans leading to a more sustainable mobility. As transport technologies and systems became continuously more complex, policy makers need good, technical-scientific assistance. This project aims at supporting the most sustainable technologies for transport over land, by railway and on waterways.
Project description
The aim of this project is to carry out an integrated assessment of policy measures, in view of a successful introduction of new technologies in the transport sector on the one hand and of a shift between modes on the other, all this in order to promote sustainable mobility. Besides the road traffic, powered two-wheelers included, also technological developments regarding railway traffic and inland navigation will be studied extensively.
- To obtain a greater understanding of consumer behaviour with regard to new technologies.
- To draw up a reliable methodology for emission calculations for railway traffic and inland navigation.
- To deliver recommendations towards regulators at various levels to stimulate more sustainable technologies and modal shift.
For each transport mode the different technologies are first subjected to a sustainability screening to select the most sustainable ones. Therefore sustainability index cards are drawn up in which criteria related to technological, social, economic and environmental aspects are included. The weighting of the criteria is subjected to a peer review with external experts. This method of working results in a sustainability score per transport mode and technology. On the basis of this score, for each transport mode some technologies are selected and later evaluated on their marketing possibilities in a 2020 time horizon. For each mode the reference technology is the diesel technology, available and generally used in 2000.
The second phase of the project aims at the assessment of the penetration of the selected technologies. A survey is carried to gather new material on hypothetical consumer choices of new vehicle technologies. The results make it possible to define new policy assumptions. For each mode, transport volumes for the different technologies are assessed for Belgium by means of a transport model.
Then emission and impact models (1990-2020) are used to evaluate the environmental impact for Belgium of policy measures. The emission results are checked with International Agreements, such as the Kyoto Protocol. Furthermore, the cost for the different parties concerned (consumers, technology-developers, regulatory authorities) is estimated.
This study also involves three Technology Assessment (TA) case studies. For the most pressing problem areas, it is examined how the technology can be adapted and which social services must be provided in order to deal with the problem. A lot of attention is paid at the view of the users.
Furthermore, the assumptions for the transport model get twice feedback from the TA exercises and impact analyses.
On the basis of the results of this multidisciplinary study, recommendations for a more sustainable mobility policy will be made.
Models that are extended and used within this project are:
- TREMOVE, transport model for transport volumes;
- TEMAT, emission model for road traffic;
- ExTC, model for external environmental costs of transport;
- ARGUS, model for multiple criteria analyses and group decision making.
Interaction between the different partners
See Activities partners and Scheme.
Throughout the project it is aimed at a general quality assurance that consists of three core activities: co-ordination, knowledge management & expert panel, and valorisation.
Link with international programmes
- European project ARTEMIS (Assessment and reliability of transport emission models and inventory systems);
- European project DECADE;
- ExternE network: NewExt;
- WHO working group on the quantification of health impacts of exposure from air pollution;
- COST Action 346 (Emissions and fuel consumption from heavy duty vehicles);
- European project Cleaner drive.
Expected results and/or products
- Sustainability Index Card per transport mode and technology.
- Updated and extended models for mobility, emissions and external costs.
- Indication of uncertainties on the assessments of emissions, impacts and costs.
- Policy recommendations concerning the stimulation of new technologies and modal shift, taking into account new insights in consumer choices and TA-aspects.
- Reports and publication, in which the models and results are discussed.
Coordinator of the project. Carry out the sustainability screening of technologies. Develop an emission model for railway and inland shipping. Calculation of emissions and impact on public health. Perform the Technology Assessment studies. In collaboration with CES formulation of recommendations.
Assessment of transport volumes for each transport mode and technology on the basis of a survey on consumer choices and modelling of mobility demand. Calculation of internal costs of mobility. Together with VITO formulation of recommendations.
Contact Information
Ina De Vlieger
Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek (VITO)
Expertisecentrum Integrale Milieustudies (IMS) in samenwerking met het Expertisecentrum Energietechnologie (ETE)
Boeretang 200, B-2400 Mol
Tel:+32 (0)14 33 59 33; Fax: +32 (0)14 32 11 85
Stef Proost
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KULeuven)
Centrum voor Economische Studiën (CES)
Naamsestraat 69, B-3000 Leuven
Tel: +32 (0)16 32 68 01; Fax: +32 (0)16 32 67 96
Users Committee
Nancy da Silva - Ministry of Social Affairs, Public Health and Environment
Robby Berloznik - Flemish Institute for Scientific and Technological Aspects Research
Lieve Goorden - STEM-UFSIA (Saint-Ignatius University Antwerpen)
Willy Bontinck - NMBS (Belgian National Railway Company)
Marleen Govaerts - Ministry of the Flemish Region - Department Environment and Infrastructure - Mobiliteitscel
Michel Peelman - Febiac (Belgian Federation of Car and Motor Industry)
Tania Van Mierlo - Ministry of the Flemish Region - AMINAL
Caroline De Bosscher - Flemish Company for Environment (VMM)
Hadelin de Beer de Laer - Federal Planning Bureau
Hilde Van Dongen - Federal Office for Scientific, Technical and Cultural Affairs (OSTC)
Georges Jamart - Federal Office for Scientific, Technical and Cultural Affairs (OSTC)
Sustainability assessment of technologies and modes for transport in Belgium : final report
Brussels : Federal Science Policy, 2007 (SP1745)
[To download]
Duurzaamheidevaluatie van technologieën en modi in de transportsector in België (SUSATRANS) : bijlagen
Brussel : Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2007 (SP1746)
[To download]