Development of tools to evaluate the potential of sustainable hydrogen in Belgium

Research project CP/55 (Research action CP)

Persons :

  •   PEPERMANS Geert - Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven)
    Financed belgian partner
    Duration: 15/12/2003-31/12/2005
  •   GERMAIN Albert - Université de Liège (ULiège)
    Financed belgian partner
    Duration: 15/12/2003-31/12/2005
  •   MARTENS Adwin - Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek (VITO)
    Coordinator of the project
    Financed belgian partner
    Duration: 15/12/2003-31/12/2005

Description :


Within the framework of sustainable development the energy supply system is a crucial topic. Spurred on by the Kyoto Protocol the attention for the definition of energy saving programs and the promotion of environment-friendly technologies as renewable energy is increasing. In the longer term however additional alternatives have to be found.
Especially for the Belgian context the combination of a further decrease of emissions (CO2, NOX,…) with a phase-out of nuclear energy is a major challenge.
At the international level hydrogen as energy carrier is considered to be an important option for the future. In the USA a ‘Roadmap to hydrogen’ has been developed already and on the European level recently the policy paper ‘Hydrogen Energy and Fuel Cells, a vision of our future’ has been presented.
Within the Belgian energy policy the knowledge on hydrogen is rather limited and this project intends to be the first step in a scientific assessment of hydrogen in the Belgian context.

Project description


Making available the international knowledge on hydrogen in databases and development of tools (technic-economic model) and opinions (technology assessment) in order to be able to assess the role of hydrogen in Belgium in the future.


The project is divided into 5 work packages, each comprising several tasks.

The project starts with the building of databases concerning technology, legislation and international experiences on hydrogen. These databases serve as input for the tools and opinions to be developed (WP 1).

Based on the databases a hydrogen-module within the MARKAL-TIMES model will be developed, especially focussed on the specific Belgian situation (e.g. energy demand, existing hydrogen infrastructure,…). The database behind the model is updated while hydrogen production technology is not included nowadays. The module will be tested with some case studies (WP 2).

Subsequently the technology assessment (TA) will be started in which a feasible scenario for using hydrogen in Belgium will be defined in dialogue with experts/steering committee. This scenario will be technic-economically evaluated by MARKAL-TIMES and the results will be discussed with the experts/steering committee (WP 3).

Within the scenario the actual legislation (lacunas, barriers) on hydrogen receives due attention as setting up a clear legislation is a condition for realizing demonstration projects according to the scenario (WP 4).

The results of the technic-economic analysis, the technology assessment and the evaluation of the legislation will be translated to policy issues, such as possible policy instruments and policy objectives. Also the interaction of a hydrogen scenario with the vision of the European policy area as stated in green books and white books will be treated (WP 5).

Interaction between the different partners

The first work package, database on hydrogen (technologies, regulation and foreign experiences), will be executed by Vito and the University of Liège.

The second work package is carried out by the University of Leuven together with Vito. It consists of 3 tasks (preparation and testing MARKAL-TIMES model, scenario calculations and evaluation with TA results). The emphasis in work is on changes in MARKAL-TIMES and the scenario calculations.

The third work package is mainly set up by Vito. It contains 4 tasks (definition methodology and selection of actors/ experts, performing assessment, comparison expert’s vision with scenario calculation and evaluation of the technology assessment). All the other partners will assist in the comparison of the expert’s vision.

The fourth work package is done by the University of Liège and Vito. It is composed of 3 tasks (Belgian inventory for the scenario, foreign legislation & licence procedure development and translation for Belgian situation and perspectives). Two third of the work load is done by the University of Liège. The second task is the largest one.

The fifth work package is the concluding work package. All partners will participate, in an almost even way. 3E assists in showing the relation with European missions. There are 3 tasks (possible objectives, possible instruments and the interaction with related European policy areas).

Link international programs

Actually the governments of the USA, Japan and the EU are defining energy policies based on hydrogen as energy carrier and the resources for research and development will significantly increase in the coming years.

The partners who carry out this project are already active in different European projects on hydrogen, fuel cells, renewable energy, economic assessment of energy technologies (Hysociety, FCTESTNET, ACCEPT, Markal-international users group, Solar Roadmap, Role of Renewables in the EU). Vito and University of Liège are representative of Belgium within the IEA Implementing Agreement on Advanced Fuel Cells.

Expected results and/or products

The results of the project can be summarized as follows:

* databases with international knowledge and experiences on hydrogen
* hydrogen module within MARKAL-TIMES, illustrated by a scenario
* initial technology assessment on hydrogen, focussed on the scenario
* translation of the progress in foreign legislation and licence procedures on
* definition of relevant policy issues concerning hydrogen



VITO (Expertise centre Energy Technology)
Vito, the Flemish institute for technological research, focuses on development of innovative products and process on the areas ‘materials’, ‘environment’ and ‘energy’. The strategy of the Centre of Expertise Energy Technology focuses on the introduction of sustainable energy systems and the rational use of energy, both in the sectors of automotive applications and buildings. In these topics fuel cell technology and hydrogen play a major role as the actual scope of research.

ULg (Laboratory of Industrial Chemistry)
The laboratory of Industrial Chemistry is a research center active in several fields as alternative energies, particularly fuel cells, safety in the chemical industry and environmental concerns.

KULeuven (division Energy, Transport and Environment, ETE)
The ETE division forms part of the Center for Economic studies and is specialized in the use of modeling tools to address pricing and investment problems in the transport, energy and environmental fields.

3E nv
3E is an engineering and consultancy company with specialization in renewable energy and rational use of energy in buildings. The company strives to play a bridging role between research groups and the market place.

Contact information


Adwin Martens
Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek (Vito)
Boeretang 200
B-2400 Mol
Tel: +32 (0)14 33 59 16
Fax: +32 (0)14 32 11 85


Sylvie Groslambert
Université de Liège (ULg)
Laboratoire de Chimie Industrielle B6
B-4000 Liège
Tel: +32 (0)4 366 23 51
Fax: +32 (04) 366 29 29,

Guido Pepermans
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KULeuven)
Departement Economie
Naamsestraat 69
B-3000 Leuven
Tel: +32 (0)16 32 68 26
Fax: +32 (0)16 32 67 96

Geert Dooms
3E nv
Verenigingsstraat 39
B-1000 Brussel
Tel: +32 (0)2 217 58 68
Fax: +32 (0)2 219 79 89

Users Committee

Following institutions have expressed their interest in the results of the study:

viWTA, Flemish government
Apere, Walloon organization on renewable energy
SPE, Electricity company
IBGE/BIM, Brussels government
DGTRE, Walloon government
Aminal, Flemish government
ANRE, Flemish government
ODE Vlaanderen, Flemish organization on renewable energy
Federal administration environment, Federal government

Documentation :

Development of tools to evaluate the potential of sustainable hydrogen in Belgium : final report    Brussels : Federal Science Policy, 2007 (SP1731)
[To download

Ontwikkeling van instrumenten ter evaluatie van het potentieel voor duurzame waterstof in België: samenvatting    Brussel : Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2007 (SP1748)
[To download

Développement d'outils d'évaluation du potentiel de l'hydrogène durable en Belgique : résumé    Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2007 (SP1749)
[To download

Development of tools to evaluate the potential of sustainable hydrogen in Belgium : summary    Brussels : Federal Science Policy, 2007 (SP1750)
[To download