Research project DB/DD/016 (Research action DB)
The objective of this project is to conduct longitudinal research on the political attitudes and behaviour of Belgians. The first survey on this subject was conducted by the ISOP-PIOP after the 1991 general election and included a representative sample of about 5,000 Belgians. The results of this survey have already been analysed and widely disseminated. In keeping with the programme's objectives, the data of this study have been made freely available for more in-depth scientific research, at both national and international level.
Given the project's longitudinal character, the next panel survey will concern the 1995 general election. This second survey uses a questionnaire comparable to that of 1991, and likewise aims at maximal comparability between the various regions of the country (Flanders, Wallonia, and Brussels). This guarantees the survey's comparability in time and space.
The KULeuven team has the additional task of establishing and putting to work a team of interviewers. This network is responsible for collecting the data expertly and validly for the above-mentioned survey and also for other social science research. The interviewers of the network thus receive solid training and are permanently evaluated. Such a network of interviewers already existed at UCL prior to this project.