Labour market data and women's studies

Research project DB/DD/034 (Research action DB)

Persons :

Description :

This project is carried out in collaboration with the previous one (Labour Market Data Interface - Exploiting the administrative employment/unemployment databases). Its missions are as follows:

1. Exploiting databases

a. With the help of administrative databases, the work aims to draw a picture of the evolution of current inequalities between men and women and among women, as regards income and participation in the labour market. "Inequalities in income" is taken here in its broader sense to include both income from work and compensatory income. The problem tackled is not the use and accessibility of the database itself; the aim, rather is to study the data in perspectives other than the labour dimension: households, education, age .

b. Another aim is to list and identify, through the team's own research and with the help of experts, deficits in the data available on women in the federal and Flemish administrative databases.

2. Continuing the work of the Women's Studies resource centre
A one-day seminar will be organised each year, in collaboration with the project Labour Market Data Interface - Exploiting the administrative employment/unemployment databases, on the topic of women, work, and income. The research results presented at these sessions will be published. Contributions will be made regularly to the Newsletter of the resource centre Werkgelegenheid, Arbeid en Vorming.