Households and families

Research project DB/DD/044 (Research action DB)

Persons :

  • M.  LAMBERT André - Assoc. pour le développ. de la Rech. Appliq. en Sci.Sociales (ADRASS)
    Financed belgian partner
    Duration: 1/11/1994-30/4/1996
  • Prof. dr.  LESTAEGHE Ron - Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)
    Financed belgian partner
    Duration: 1/1/1995-31/12/1996

Description :


To write a census monograph on "Households and Families"


1. Defining terms and concepts. Impact of the method of data collection on the results.

2. Recapitulative comparison of indicators of "household" composition
(censuses of 1970, 81, and 91)

3. Household typologies and position of individuals according to household type (NIS typology, LIPRO typology); results of household projections up to 2011 (LIPRO).

4. Comparison with other sources (surveys).

5. Household types and individual positions. Differences according to the region and nationality; typology of municipalities according to household characteristics.

6. Extension of household typology (LIPRO) by adjunction of socio-economic characteristics (income structure, employment, housing characteristics).

Dr A. LAMBERT's project and that of Prof. R. LESTHAEGHE (huishoudensamenstelling) constitute two aspects of the same research.

Documentation :

Ménages et familles  Lesthaeghe, R. - Lambert, A. - Boulanger, P-M ... et al.  Bruxelles: Institut national de Statistique, 1997 (PB5283)

Huishoudens en gezinnen  Lesthaeghe, R. - Lambert, A. - Deboosere, P. ... et al.  Brussel: Nationaal Instituut voor Statistiek, 1997 (PB5288)