Schooling, educational level, and professional insertion

Research project DB/DD/051 (Research action DB)

Persons :

Description :


The data of the 1991 general population census are used to describe the population attending school or in professional training and the level of education reached by persons no longer attending school on a full-time basis: territorial distribution, differences according to age, gender, professional status, Emphasis is on young people under 35. Special attention is paid to the period of transition from school to working life.


1. Brief description of the Belgian educational system

2. Description of the population attending school or in professional training. Nearly one-fourth of the total population is in school or training; these persons are situated geographically and described according to various parameters:

- level and type of education according to age, gender, ...
- revealing disparities between age and academic level
- initial level of training, professional status, persons in continued training, ...

3. Description of the educational level reached by persons no longer enrolled in full-time schooling (highest degree obtained, age upon leaving school, ) according to age, gender, etc. in the different geographical entities (regions, districts, municipalities).

- Identifying educational itineraries (secondary education, higher education, education abroad), mean age upon leaving school according to the type of education, ...

- Description of the educational level reached (highest degree obtained, age upon leaving school, ...) by employed or job-seeking persons according to age, gender, in various geographical entities (regions, districts, municipalities).

4. Young people between 16 and 34: stages in the transition from school to working life.

Description of the occupational status of young people according to age, gender, diplomas, ...

Documentation :

Scolarisation, niveau d'instruction et insertion professionnelle  Mainguet, Christine - Marc Demeuse  Bruxelles: Institut national de Statistique, 1998 (PB5286)

Scolarisatie, onderwijsniveau en inschakeling in de arbeidsmarkt  Mainguet, Christine - Demeuse, Marc  Brussel: Nationaal Instituut voor Statistiek, 1998 (PB5290)