The spatial dimension of employment

Research project DB/DD/054 (Research action DB)

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1. To delimit the economic sectors/employment areas.
For each economic sector, we shall analyse at municipality level the spatial aspect of the relevant socio-economic data. Analytical instruments will be used if necessary at another level of population grouping (a selection of the Herfindahlindex, shift and share analysis, concentration coefficient, relative growth coefficient, specialisation index).

2. Defining the relative strengths and weaknesses of regions.
The starting point will be to consider the various instruments used to measure the strengths and weaknesses of regions. On the basis of recently published analyses of strengths/weaknesses (I.R.E.S., 1987; Buigues & Ilskovits, 1992), we shall determine factors giving a competitive advantage to nations within the global economy. It seems that these notions can be transposed to an analysis of what gives regions a competitive advantage with respect to larger spatial entities. We refer here to technological advantages, orientation towards export, qualified labour, and infrastructure.