Research project DB/DD/061 (Research action DB)
The monograph on housing aims at understanding social and spatial variations in housing conditions in Belgium on the basis of the data from the Population and Housing Census of 1991.
Luc GOOSSENS analyses the social dimension. The quantitative results are based essentially on a representative sample of the Census population, allowing all crossing of individually measured variables. Methodologically, social analysis involves crossing the socio-economic and demographic dimensions with the housing characteristics (crossed tables). Synthetic indicators are also proposed and measured at national and regional scale. Explanations are proposed for the current state of housing and for the evolution recorded for the period separating the 1981 and 1991 censuses; categories of well-housed and poorly housed inhabitants are defined.
Isabelle THOMAS and Dominique VANNESTE present the spatial dimension. Here the data used concern the entire Census population. Two spatial scales are adopted: (1) a meso-geographical analytical approach is applied to the housing situation over the entire Belgian territory, as divided into municipalities; (2) a micro-geographic analysis at statistical sector scale is applied to the situation within 3 "reference" urban centres (Brussels, Ghent, and Namur). Each housing feature is individually mapped and studied in terms of spatial contrasts and social well-being; several multivariate syntheses are also proposed, revealing marked spatial segregation at both the meso- and micro-geographical levels. Zones (groups of municipalities or statistical sectors) are defined whose components display similar housing profiles. Explanatory elements are proposed.
A multidisciplinary confrontation of the two dimensions is then presented and an assessment made in terms of social well-being and housing policy; recommendations are made in socio-demographic, socio-economic, and spatial terms. The report entitled "Housing: Socio-economic and Geographical Realities" includes 200 pages and is illustrated by many maps (60 at national level, 60 for the three cities studied) and tables (about 60). It is written by L. GOOSENS, I. THOMAS, and D. VANNESTE in collaboration with I. DEBEER and V. GEURTS.
Huisvesting in sociaal-economisch en geografisch perspectief 1981-1991
Goossens, L. - Thomas, I. - Vanneste, D. ... et al. Brussel: Nationaal Instituut voor Statistiek, 1997 (PB5291)
Recensement Général de la Population et des Logements au 1er mars 1991: Le Logement: réalités socio-économiques et géographiques 1981-1991
Ministère des Affaires Economiques - Institut National de Statistique - SSTC Bruxelles: Ministère des Affaires Economiques, 1999 (PB5374)