Coordination of the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (CO-SHARE)

Research project EF/211/CO-SHARE (Research action EF)

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The ESFRI SHARE-ERIC is one of the largest research infrastructures in human sciences in Europe. The Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) is a micro data set on health, socio-economic status, and social networks of 140,000 individuals aged 50+ in 27 European countries and Israel. Since 2004, the SHARE project has completed eight waves, one every two years (480,000 interviews), plus two other waves in 2020 and 2021 dedicated to the impact of COVID-19. The anonymized data enable registered researchers to analyse the health, social, and economic life dimensions of the ageing population. By July 2021, more than 3,000 scientific publications are based on SHARE research data. Also national and international institutions such as the European Union rely on SHARE research data to construct cross-country comparable statistics on ageing. In Belgium SHARE research data are used to support evidence-based policy making in several key federal interests.
The Co-SHARE consortium consists of two university teams (the Centre for Social Policy Herman Deleeck (CSB) at the University of Antwerp (UA) and the Center of Public Economics and Population Economics (CREPP) at the University of Liège (ULiege)) and the Federal Planning Bureau as subcontractor. The university teams have been associated to the SHARE project from the beginning and act as Country Teams in charge of the project for the Dutch and French speaking population, respectively. From the creation of the SHARE-ERIC in 2011, Belgian federal entities supported the SHARE project in Belgium: BELSPO covers coordination costs and the Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO) and Ministry of Wallonia-Brussels Federation (FWB) cover fieldwork costs upon the Dutch and French speaking population.
The general aim of the Co-SHARE project is to assure the Belgian participation to the ESFRI SHARE-ERIC and to support its mission for the Belgian population. The main outcome of the Co-SHARE project will be the (Belgian) SHARE data for Wave 9 and 10 (and beyond). In this project proposal, this general project aim is translated into three specific project objectives: (1) Coordination, project management and reporting; (2) Data Management; and (3) Valorisation, diffusion, and exploitation of research data and results. In this proposal, we will discuss how these objectives will be met, how the project will be concretely implemented, and what the expected results are.