Research project EF/211/SERVE (Research action EF)
The “European Plate Observing System” (EPOS) presently provides pre-operational access to a first set of Solid Earth data and services to measure how the ground moves and understand the underlying physical processes. EPOS is a very large and complex European e-infrastructure, integrating seismology, near-fault observatories, GNSS data and products, satellite data, geomagnetic observations, geological information and modelling… The Belgian federal component of EPOS includes data provision to EPOS, delivery of pre-operational EPOS Core Services as well as participation to the governance of the EPOS Core Services. KSB-ORB, one of the Belgian Federal Scientific Institutes (FSI), currently ensures all these activities.
This project will secure the delivery of the six pan-European GNSS services that KSB-ORB declared as potential future EPOS Core Services in the EPOS-GNSS Consortium Agreement (signed by KSB-ORB in 2019) by establishing a collaboration agreement with EPOS ERIC for the operation of these services in order to anchor them in EPOS. For this purpose, the project will further develop and take the necessary steps to facilitate the long-term maintenance of KSB-ORB’s two least mature services: the GNSS data node and the GNSS data quality monitoring services.
Additionally, this project will map the current Belgian federal data provision to EPOS and investigate if additional data or services can be provided to EPOS. To achieve this goal, it will ensure the necessary interface between potential Belgian federal stakeholders and the relevant EPOS components.