Research project HL/DD/07 (Research action HL)
The main pressure exerted by households on the environment results first of all from their residential behaviour. This research thus proposes to give priority to this subject. It pays special attention to the case of Belgium’s largest urban centres, for they are where the most sensitive changes occur because of a major suburbanization trend. They are also where the problems are most clearly visible, for departure points and destinations alike.
The work, which stretches over four years, attempts to pull together thought about the various concepts underpinning the process, statistical investigations, and very fine empirical work. The aim is not just to measure and explain the phenomena and their impacts, but also to propose decision-making aids. To this end we are carrying out three major types of investigation, as follows:
1. An in-depth comparative study of residential behaviour in various Belgian cities based on an analysis of interborough resettlement patterns and a study of the migrants’ profiles and above all motivations for moving. Whilst the aim is first of all to understand the mechanisms that govern people’s residential choices, special attention will be paid to the values underlying these choices, arbitration between the place of residence and other places that are frequented, and possible recent or future behaviour changes.
2. Systematic collection of indicators to measure the impacts and reference points of these residential behaviours with regard to the environment, especially when it comes to the use of space, energy use, and the additional costs (of collective services) that are generated by all the new uses and under-utilization, even abandonment, in old urban areas. This research should culminate in a cost/benefit analysis of the behaviour of households on the one hand and the localities themselves on the other hand.
3. Thought about the potential instruments that might be able to correct these reference points based on comparison of the Belgian situation with those reigning in the neighbouring countries of the Netherlands, Germany, France and the United Kingdom. More specifically, we shall analyse the tax measures, real estate policies, and various regional development instruments used in these countries as well as all the means used to raise the awareness of and educate the people.
Statistical analyses (use of space, energy use, population movements, municipal accounts) supplemented by surveys of the persons concerned (survey of migrant households, survey of distribution network managers, etc.).
working paper n° 6: Première phase : Etude des consommations d'espace et d'énergie
B. Mérenne-Schoumaker, L. Brück, J-B. Jehin, Th. Van Hoof (ULg)
Working Paper n° 21 (juni ‘98) : Typologie van de migraties naar leeftijd
S. Savenberg, E. Van Hecke (KULeuven - Instituut voor sociale en economische geografie)
Working Paper n° 24 (juni ‘98) : De invloed van het suburbanisatieproces op de gemeentefinanciën
S. Savenberg, E. Van Hecke (KULeuven - Instituut voor sociale en economische geografie)
Working Paper n° 25 (oktober ‘99) : Motivaties voor een suburbane residentiële keuze : belangrijkste resultaten
S. Savenberg, E. Van Hecke (KULeuven - Instituut voor sociale en economische geografie)
L. Brück, J.-M. Halleux, B. Merenne-Schoumaker (Ulg - SEGEFA).
Disponible en Français!
De residentiële keuze van de huishoudens in het licht van de problematiek van duurzame ontwikkeling: synthese
Brussel: DWTC, 2002 (PB1023)
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De residentiële keuze van de huishoudens in het licht van de problematiek van duurzame ontwikkeling: eindrapport
Brück, L. - Mairy, N. - Savenberg, S. ... et al Brussel: DWTC, 2002 (SP1021)
[To download]
Les comportements résidentiels des ménages face à la problématique du développement durable: rapport final
Brück, L. - Mairy, N. - Savenberg, S. ... et al Bruxelles: SSTC, 2002 (SP1022)
[To download]
Les comportements résidentiels des ménages face à la problématique du développement durable: synthèse
Bruxelles: SSTC, 2002 (SP1024)
[To download]
Residential behaviour of households within the framework of sustainable development: summary
Brussels: OSTC, 2002 (SP1025)
[To download]