A socio-ecological approach to chain analysis for the purpose of chain management

Research project HL/DD/13 (Research action HL)

Persons :

Description :

This project focusses on companies who want to introduce the concepts of sustainable development within their strategy and, for this purpose, apply chain management. By undertaking a chain analysis the company will be able to systematically detect any problems within the chain of its product.
Many studies on chain management and chain analysis in particular tend to concentrate on the ecological component of sustainable development. In spite of the fact that sustainable development is defined in various ways, the concept actually embraces several dimensions : an ecological, an economic and a social one. Studies on chain analysis pay little or no attention to the social component. Examples of this may be social criteria with regard to labour conditions (such as wages and man-hours), labour relations, labour rights (such as respecting fundamental conventions on child and forced labour, trade union freedom) and working conditions (such as accidents, work-related illnesses, the quality of the work). This project wants to contribute to the development of a theory for analysing both social as ecological aspects of the chain. Based on this theory, a check-list will be developed which can be used by companies.


Scientific objectives :
-to develop a theory for taking social aspects into account during the life of a product ;
-to build up a pool of knowledge about and experience with the systematic approach to chain management as an instrument for environmental management by companies ;
-to build up experience with the methodology for the environmentally-oriented life cycle analysis (particularly with respect to chain management) and to critically evaluate it, in combination with the aforementioned theory for taking social aspects into account which will be applied to a clearly defined case.

Objectives in support of policy :
-The model developed during this project for taking into account both ecological and social aspects during the life of a product offers a handle for product policy.
-The end product can lead to more social and environmental responsable production. The chain analysis must lead to a handle for companies to be able to put chain management into operation.

Social objectives :
-A first drawing up of a check-list which companies (including smaller ones) can use in practice for application in a brief chain analysis.
-The valorization of this methodology by the compilation of a manual aimed at companies.

Policy makers, industry, NGO's


-the development of a theory for taking social criteria into account, based on subject literature and former experiences;
-drawing up a check-list (based on the above mentioned theory) for a brief evaluation of the ecological and social aspects during the life cycle of a product;
-organizing a workshop for interested companies + inquiry;
-interviews with interested companies;
-selection of companies for the test-case;
-adjustment of the check-list (based on the results of the test case);

Documentation :

working paper n° 15: Theoretisch kader voor het ontwerpen van een checklist voor de uitvoering van een ketenanalyse
Esmeralda Borgo (Universiteit Gent)

Een integrale benadering van de ketenanalyse ten behoeve van ketenbeheer door bedrijven: eindrapport  Doom, R. - Borgo, Esmeralda - Mazijn, Bernard ... et al.  Brussel: DWTC, 2000 (SP0619)
[To download]  [Exhausted] 

An integrated approach to chain analysis for the prupose of chain management by companies: summary  Doom, R. - Borgo, Esmeralda - Mazijn, Bernard ... et al.  Brussels: OSTC, 2000 (SP0754)
[To download

Een integrale benadering van de ketenanalyse ten behoeve van ketenbeheer door bedrijven: synthese  Doom, R. - Borgo, Esmeralda - Mazijn, Bernard ... et al.  Brussel: DWTC, 2000 (SP0761)
[To download