Research project HL/DD/20 (Research action HL)
This project concerns the social, economic, and political aspects of designing and disseminating technology for sustainable development. It is broken down into five phases, as follows:
The first phase is a general analysis of the link between technology and sustainable development. The aim is to show that technology can be a cause of unsustainable development at some times and foster sustainable development at other times. This phase leads to the identification of technological options.
The second phase characterises better the technological options contributing to sustainable development. This characterisation is based on a series of criteria concerning not only environmental aspects, but also other dimensions of sustainable development, such as solidarity and fairness (between North and South and between today’s and future generations) and changes in production and consumption. The supply and demand trends for these technological options are also determined in this phase, with an attempt made to connect the global and Belgian markets.
The third phase concerns the study of the actual and potential impacts of sustainable development-fostering technological innovation. It analyses two essential socio-economic aspects, i.e., competitiveness and employment, in relation to the types and magnitude of the benefits that can be reaped for the environment. Competitiveness is seen from two standpoints, i.e., the competitiveness of the industries that use the innovative technology and the competitiveness of those that produce (and often export) the innovations. The issue of employment must also be seen from this dual standpoint, complemented by the indirect and induced effects of industry’s ‘ecological modernisation’.
In the fourth phase technological innovation is examined in connection with other instruments for sustainable development, notably scientific research, environment taxes and regulatory policies, government procurement, and overseas development cooperation.
Finally, the fifth phase puts the previous phases’ conclusions in perspective with regard to the Belgian context and Belgium’s role on the international stage. It characterises the potential for design, dissemination, and use of technology for sustainable development; reveals the brakes on, incentives for, opportunities and challenges of such technology, paying special attention to the various players’ roles; considers the ways to create a ‘social base’ in the industrial world that is more propitious for sustainable development; proposes avenues and scenarios for sustainable production; and studies the conditions of sustainable production’s acceptance in society.
The operational goal is to help government decision-makers take action to promote the development of policies to boost innovation, the dissemination of appropriate technology, and the transformation of production to mesh with a sustainable development model. That is why the proposal to disseminate its results emphasises three types of action, namely,
- communication;
- the development of a custom-tailored appraisal procedure involving the active participation of the users concerned; and
- the development of interregional communication and cooperation channels.
Working Paper n° 28 (janvier 2000) : L’innovation technologique au service du développement durable. Rapport intermédiaire.
Anne-Catherine Rousseau, Gérard Valenduc, Patricia Vendramin (FTU)
L'innovation technologique au service du développement durable: rapport final
Patris, Cécile - Warrant, Françoise - Valenduc, Gérard Bruxelles: SSTC, 2001 (SP0646)
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L'innovation technologique au service du développement durable: working paper n°1: aspects conceptuels
Bruxelles: SSTC, 2001 (SP0776)
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L'innovation technologique au service du développement durable: working paper n°2: politiques d'innovation et politiques environnementales
Bruxelles: SSTC, 2001 (SP0777)
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L'innovation technologique au service du développement durable: working paper n°3: stratégies d'innovation des entreprises: résultats empiriques
Bruxelles: SSTC, 2001 (SP0778)
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L'innovation technologique au service du développement durable: working paper n°4: stimulation de l'innovation technologique en faveur du développement durable
Bruxelles: SSTC, 2001 (SP0779)
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L'innovation technologique au service du développement durable: working paper n°5: un domaine technologique emblématique: les sources d'énergie renouvelables dans la production d'électricité
Bruxelles: SSTC, 2001 (SP0780)
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L'innovation technologique au service du développement durable: synthèse
Bruxelles: SSTC, 2001 (SP0781)
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Technological innovation fostering sustainable development: summary
Brussels: OSTC, 2001 (SP0782)
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