Research project JU/01 (Research action JU)
The sub-themes "Young adults committed to imprisonment" and "Alternative judicial measures" are linked in this proposal in order to carry out a comparative analysis of the penal sub-populations characterised by the type of measure undergone: imprisonment and the alternative judicial measures.
Two questions guide the process proposed:
1) Do the imprisoned populations and the populations that enjoy alternative measures reveal distinct socio-demographic (social trajectory) and socio-penal (penal trajectory) characteristics?
2) What are the differential effects of detention and alternative measures on the social and penal trajectories of the populations under review?
The study of two recent modalities of outcome to the criminal litigations - penal mediation and community work - will be aiming at, at least, two evaluation types claimed in the theme description provided in the request for proposals: on the one hand, the adequacy of their use for explicit goals ("To which extent are the aimed goals reached, i.e. reintegration and the reduction of risk of having the offender sink deeper into criminality?"), and on the other hand, their discriminating nature, considered as the requirement according to which some populations and/or different litigations correspond to different measures ("Which criteria should be used in the future to adapt to one another the measures, the nature of the crime and the offender's personality in order to get the most convincing results?")
Jeunes adultes incarcérés et mesures judiciaires alternatives: résultats de la recherche
Kaminsky, Dan - Adam, Christophe - Bellis, Philippe ... et al. Bruxelles: SSTC, 2001 (SP0652)
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Opgesloten jong-volwassenen en alternatieve gerechtelijke maatregelen: resultaten van het onderzoek
Kaminsky, Dan - Adam, Christophe - Bellis, Philippe ... et al. Brussel: DWTC, 2001 (SP0653)
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Young adult inmates and alternative judicial measures: results of the research
Kaminsky, Dan - Adam, Christophe - Bellis, Philippe ... et al. Brussels: OSTC, 2001 (SP0654)
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