Research project JU/02 (Research action JU)
A model framework will be elaborated for the alternative approaches against delinquent drug users, considering the synthesis made by the Parliamentary Commission on drugs, and taking into account the new directions elaborated in the near future by the College of the Prosecutors-General.
The model framework will consider the necessities in the different parts of the country. The development will be differentiated in function of the modalities of settlement on the different stages of the criminal proceedings, comprising the levels:
a. police
b. public prosecution
c. provisional detention - judicial inquiry
d. measure of punishment - courts
REMARK: Following the conclusions of the committee of experts, the Programme Administration has decided to integrate the proposal of De Ruyver into the project introduced by Kaminski and Brion.
Développement d'un modèle de règlement judiciaire alternatif pour les toxicomanes délinquants aux différents échelons du système pénal. Evaluation de la pratique et accompagnement scientifique: résultats de la recherche
Meese, Joachim - Van Impe, Kristof Bruxelles: SSTC, 2001 (SP0655)
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Uitwerken van een model voor de alternatieve gerechtelijke afdoening bij delinquente druggebruikers op de verschillende echelons van de strafrechtsbedeling. Praktijkevaluatie en wetenschappelijke begeleiding: resultaten van het onderzoek
Meese, Joachim - Van Impe, Kristof Brussel: DWTC, 2001 (SP0656)
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Elaboration of a model framework for the alternative approaches in criminal proceedings against delinquent drug users on the different stages of criminal proceedings. Practical evaluation and policy support: results of the research
Meese, Joachim - Van Impe, Kristof Brussels: OSTC, 2001 (SP0657)
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