Assessment of the risks of toxicity from the road traffic pollution : a molecular epidemiology approach

Research project MD/DD/03 (Research action MD)

Persons :

Description :

Research objectives

1. Develop and validate peripheral biomarkers (i.e. biomarkers applicable on readily accessible biological media such as urine) for assessing exposure levels to pollutants representative of exhaust gases from motor vehicles.
2. Develop and validate peripheral markers to detect early effects of these pollutants on vulnerable target organs such as the respiratory tract and the central nervous system.
3. Assess exposure levels to emissions from motor vehicles by applying exposure biomarkers in a group at risk in Brussels.
4. Search for early toxic effects on the respiratory tract, the kidneys or the central nervous system which would be caused by air pollutants from motor vehicles.
5. Determine whether episodes of photochemical smog in Brussels can cause reversible effects on the respiratory tract by using sensitive peripheral biomarkers of toxicity.
6. Test the hypothesis of a transplacental lung toxicity of certain components of exhaust gases by using as model the maternal smoking during pregnancy.


. Use of biochemical, molecular biology and immunological techniques to identify and determine potential peripheral markers of the lung and other target organs of traffic-released air pollutants.
. Application of these markers in an epidemiological study on policemen exposed to urban air pollutants in Brussels.
. Application of these markers in the amniotic fluid from pregnant women exposed to tobacco smoke or other air pollutants.