Research project MD/DD/09 (Research action MD)
Scientific goals
. description of increasing incompatibility between mobility and life-environment, by completing data about unsafeness.
. reach a framework for understanding the concept of ‘traffic-unsafeness’
. situating the components ‘traffic-safety’ and ‘traffic-livability’ of the mobility-policy within the framework of Sustainable Development.
. development of a methodology for evaluating the traffic-livability
Social goals
. completing and improving data about traffic-unsafeness
. stimulating a public debate about traffic-unsafeness
. open the discussion on subjective traffic-unsafeness and traffic-unlivability
Policy goals
. improving, making manageable and completing the basic data about traffic-unsafeness
. constructing measuring-instruments that are able to produce a complete image of the traffic-unsafeness
. developing and instrument for evaluating the traffic-unlivability
. handing policy goals for a traffic safety policy which can be linked to sustainable development
Part 1: objective unsafety
. study of literature
. inquiry
Part 2: subjective traffic-safety
. study of literature
. in-depth interview
. checklist for the three most common psychical symptoms (PTSD, anxiety,depression)
. follow-up interview
Part 3: traffic-livability
. Delphi method
. in-depth interview
. study of literature
. perception-research
. analysis of statistics and measurements
Potential users
. Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap - AROHM-afdeling Ruimtelijke Planning
. Dienst Leefmilieu en Natuurontwikkeling
. Centrum voor Crisis Psychologie
. Rijkswacht District Gent
. Belgisch Instituut voor de Verkeersveiligheid vzw
. Stad Gent - Mobiliteitscel - S.A.C.
. Politie Stad Gent
. Prof. Dr. Walter Buylaertt - Vakgroep Inwendige ziekten - UZ-UG
. Nationaal Instituut voor Statistiek
. Prof dr. Myriam Van Laere - Revalidatiecentrum UZ-UG
. Prof. Dr. Brusselmans - Revalidatiecentrum UZ-UG
Link to Sustainable Development
The traffic-unsafeness and the traffic-unlivability are clearly very threatening elements. Traffic-safety appears to be one of the most important factors in the feeling of safety among citizens.
Probably traffic-unlivability is less known among policy makers, nevertheless it’s a very real problem. This project wants to make some progress in this subject.
By means of conclusion, this research will put emphasis on the impact of this kind of unsafety. The physical impact, as well as the psychological impact will be paid a close attention. While being a very import factor, until now the psychological impact has
Impact van verkeersonveiligheid en -onleefbaarheid: Objectieve en subjectieve factoren. Deel 1. Eerste luik: Psychische impact van verkeersongevallen: eindverslag
Brussel: DWTC, 2001 (SP0865)
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Impact van verkeersonveiligheid en -onleefbaarheid: Objectieve en subjectieve factoren. Deel 1. Tweede luik: Subjectieve perceptie van de verkeersveiligheid: eindverslag
Brussel: DWTC, 2001 (SP0866)
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Impact van verkeersonveiligheid en -onleefbaarheid: Objectieve en subjectieve factoren. Deel 1. Eerste en tweede luik: bijlagen
Brussel: DWTC, 2001 (SP0867)
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Impact van verkeersonveiligheid en -onleefbaarheid: Objectieve en subjectieve factoren. Subjectieve verkeersveiligheid: samenvatting
Brussel: DWTC, 2001 (SP0868)
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Impact of traffic safety and traffic endurablility problems: objective and subjective factors. Subjective traffic safety: summary
Brussels: OSTC, 2001 (SP0869)
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Impact van verkeersonveiligheid en -onleefbaarheid: Objectieve en subjectieve factoren. Verkeersleefbaarheid: synthese
Brussel: DWTC, 2001 (SP0870)
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Impact van verkeersonveiligheid en -onleefbaarheid: Objectieve en subjectieve factoren. Objectieve verkeersonveiligheid: eindverslag
Brussel: DWTC, 2001 (SP0871)
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