Research project MD/DD/13 (Research action MD)
Research objectives
The objective of this proposal is to begin with an analysis of existing measures concerned with controlling speed and to come up with policy proposals in which a mixture of various measures is proposed.
This mixture of proposed measures must be aimed at the vehicle itself, its surroundings and at the driver.
The starting point taken for this study is that policy measures are to be formulated which allow speed control by measures to be taken in the vehicle itself to be supported by measures taken in the surroundings (i.e. the infrastructure) and ones aimed at road users.
Scientific objective
To underpin (in terms of content) policy measures concerned with speed control by taking measures in the vehicle itself.
To create a cohesive framework within which these measures are flanked by measures taken in the surroundings and measures aimed at road users.
To put the issue of speed-controlling measures into its proper place within the context of sustainable development.
To formulate a methodology for building up a base of social carrying capacity for speed-controlling measures
Policy objectives
In addition to studying the effectiveness of the current range of policy instruments concerned with speed control, it is hoped that this research proposal will offer a new, integrated speed-controlling model to policy makers in which in-vehicle measures form the basis.
When formulating such a new policy objective, an indication will be made of the flanking policy measures which are necessary for both the infrastructure and for the behaviour of road users.
In this way, each measure aimed at controlling speed will be tested for the carrying capacity. The degree of acceptability of these measures at the various policy-making levels will be investigated.
Social objective
Within the concept of sustainable development, it is hoped that the growing incompatibility of mobility with the living environment can be eradicated. Meant by this incompatibility with the living environment are the notions of the quality of life and the accessibility of it. Sustainable mobility strives to reach a situation in which there is equilibrium between mobility, the quality of life (liveability) and the accessibility of it. Two of the major social problems brought about by (auto)mobility are the decrease in safety and the traffic endurability.
The high toll of fatal road accidents, road accident injuries and material damage is no longer socially acceptable.
When applying such policy measures, it is of the utmost importance that support for these measures is enhanced. It may also become apparent from this research project to what degree there is sufficient social support (carrying capacity) present, and for which speed-controlling measures. In gauging this carrying capacity, various sections of society, right across the board, will come to the fore. It will also apply to all road users and not just to those in the category of vehicle to which the measure will apply.
When making the results of the research known, of equal priority will be the enhancement of support for the measures.
The subject of this research - measures to control speed in the vehicle itself - unites road safety, the reducing of environmental damage and energy saving. In this way, other objectives will also by means of this subject matter.
The three aspects of the road safety measures are tested: new measures at the vehicle itself, its surroundings and the driver.
Based on an analysis of the efficiency of those existing traffic measures which are concerned with the control of speed, new measures are to be tested which are aimed at the vehicle itself, its surroundings (i.e. the infrastructure) and the driver;. Since the various policy levels - both horizontal and vertical - are involved in the research into carrying capacity, the subsidiarity and feasibility will be gone into in detail. Feasibility will be additionally researched by determining the support among road users and producers.
Potential users
One of Scientific objectives of these project is the preparing of the policy objectives. In the research into carrying capacity the various policy levels - both horizontal and vertical - are involved. This means that the administration, the parliaments -federal and regional-, the government -federal and regional- as well as road users and producers, are concerned.
Link to Sustainable Development
Within the concept of sustainable development, it is hoped that the growing incompatibility of mobility with the living environment can be eradicated. Meant by this incompatibility with the living environment is the conflict between accessibility and liveability. Sustainable mobility strives to reach a situation in which there is equilibrium between mobility, liveability and the accessibility.
Two of the major social problems brought about by (auto)mobility are the decrease in safety and the traffic endurability. The decrease in safety can be expressed in the social unacceptable high toll of fatal road accidents, road accident injuries and material damage.
The traffic endurability is due to the noise, the pollution, the barrier effects, deterioration of the home environment, ..., provoked by traffic.
Speed plays a vital part in road safety. Policy measures who control the speedlimits in an effective way can increase the road safety and traffic indurability.
Naar een draagvlak voor een voertuigtechnische snelheidsbeheersing binnen een intrinsiek veilige verkeersomgeving: eindverslag
Brussel: DWTC, 2001 (SP0881)
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