Research project MD/DD/14 (Research action MD)
Research objectives
The project looks at an integrated study of existing and potential policy measures for fulfilling the international CO2 and ozone (precursor) commitments agreed to by Belgium. The measures under consideration fall within the framework of a sustainable mobility policy. From an integrated, multidisciplinary, scientific point of view, these measures are assessed for their efficacy, feasibility and subsidiarity.
On the basis of the results of this study, proposals will be formulated for sustainable mobility management and policy with which Belgium will be able to meet its international commitments from the transport sector.
The project develops a methodology for evaluating mobility policy measures in an integrated way for their contribution to international commitments. The project comprises a number of working modules.
- Module one is an inventory module. On the one hand an inventory is made of the various commitments that Belgium has made for reducing CO2 and ozone (precursors). On the other hand, existing and potential measures that fall into the framework of a sustainable mobility policy are inventoried.
- In module two, the efficacy of the various measures is investigated, for which a 'Business-As-Usual' or unmodified policy scenario serves as the basis for comparison.
- In a third module, the feasibility of the various measures is investigated. The techno-economic feasibility is investigated with a simulation model. The social feasibility is examined on the basis of the social chart.
- In module four, the data from modules 2 and 3 are processed in a multicriteria analysis in order to arrange the measures in rank order of importance.
- The fifth module comprises a qualitative study of subsidiarity.
- Finally, in the sixth module, policy recommendations are formulated.
Potential users
The potential users are the various persons responsible for mobility and the environment as well as the Belgian experts who play an active role in drawing up and monitoring the relevant international commitments. The results may be used to scientifically underpin the Belgian contribution in working groups such as the “Auto-Oil” programme. Belgian experts will also be able to draw on the results of the research when involved in other discussions concerning road transport exhaust gases at the EU level (working groups of the commission, Board of Ministers) and the international level.
Link to Sustainable Development
The project is an integrated study in which the measures for the transport sector with regard to sustainable mobility objectives are investigated for their efficacy, feasibility and subsidiarity. Attention is paid to suggestions for policy and management that deals with the three aspects mobility, environment and traffic safety.
Maatregelen in de transportsector voor de vermindering van CO2 en troposferische ozon: eindrapport
Brussel: DWTC, 2001 (SP0882)
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Maatregelen in de transportsector voor de vermindering van CO2 en troposferische ozon: synthese
Brussel: DWTC, 2001 (SP0883)
[To download]
Measures in transport to reduce CO2 and tropospheric ozon: summary
Brussels: OSTC, 2001 (SP0884)
[To download]