Impact of spatial planning on sustainable traffic safety; Belgian situation analysis

Research project MD/DD/20 (Research action MD)

Persons :

Description :

Research objectives

New spatial developments influence of traffic flows and traffic composition. When the infrastructure is no longer adapted to these traffic conditions, the roads become less safe. Adaptations of the road infrastructure may generate conditions where infrastructure is no longer adapted to the surrounding environment. By examining road safety levels in terms of an equilibrium between the road infrastructure, the traffic generating developments and the "carrying capacity" of environments, the road safety impact of planning decisions can be examined.

The project will make contribution to the knowledge of
1. Inventory techniques for "Black Zones"
2. Methodologies for assessment of "Black Zones"
3. Causal relations explaining the occurrence of accidents
4. The role of land use surroundings in local road safety
5. The role of land use planning in road safety


Spatial concentration of road accidents in Belgium:
* Definition of "Black Zones": statistical analysis of road accidents on numbered roads
* Construction of an explanatory model: typology of road segments and spatial explanatory model (regression types like logit)

In-depth diagnosis of Black Zones
* Selection of black zones through the results of the former research
* In depth analysis per zone through a reconstruction of individual accidents in the zone and a functional analysis of the spatial and traffic surrounding
* Confrontation accident reconstruction and functional analysis
* Confrontation in-depth analysis and statistical model

Traffic impact of land use in relation to road infrastructure
* Development of a consistent database on land use environments
* Development of a consistent database on road infrastructure and on its use
* Identification of high risk land use areas and traffic carrying capacity of land uses via overlay of the created maps with statistical analysis of the distribution of accidents
* Examination of the traffic impact of different land uses
* Identification of the vulnerability of roads to land use induced traffic
* Identification of the impact of land uses in one area on the safety of other areas

Potential users

* Scientific valorisation of results:
The proposed research of each work package will result in discussion papers and articles which will be diffused in the research sector. The new insights will be presented on seminars and conferences. The proposed project will enhance and strengthen further research in the field of sustainable mobility. All participants are members of international platforms for exchange of knowledge in the field of road safety and/or spatial planning.

* Guidelines for policy-making
Because of the importance of this research for current policy making in spatial and mobility planning, the valorisation of the anticipated results is ncluded as a separate work package.

For this study, three main paths are proposed for policy validation of the expected results:
1. Incorporation of the new insights into the global strategy of the BRSI. The New findings will be translated in an operational policy tool supporting the policy preparing tasks of the BRSI. One of the aims is to develop in a structural way the GIS-data and information resulting of this research.
2. Jointly with the two other network members, the BRSI will translate the new scientific findings in policy guidelines. More specially, a checklist is proposed to highlight the safety principles which should be integrated in a spatial and mobility planning and policy.
3. In order to transfer and exchange the new research findings, the BSRI -in collaboration with the other network members- will organise a workshop or a seminar. The purposes of the workshop is to bring to the attention of politicians, the policy-makers, road operators, local authorities, industrial representatives, researchers, the aims and results of the project. The workshop will especially draw attention to the link between land use and infrastructure planning (and policy) and road safety.

* Users group
In correspondence with the objectives mentioned above the users group is mainly composed of representatives of federal, regional and local authorities which are concerned by the subject.

Link to Sustainable Development

The outcome of the study will be indicators (in terms of accident risks) of the burden related to development. These indicators can be used as a measure of sustainability of planned developments. These type of indicators are used for "Green Accounting", a term used by international organisations such as Eurostat, the World Bank, ... which are examining the possibility to no longer express the prosperity of a country not exclusively in terms of GNP, but to include parameters of the quality of life. In Belgium the Federal "Planbureau" is active in this matter for sustainable development.

Documentation :

Impact de l'aménagement du territoire sur la sécurité routière durable. Tâche A: Concentration spatiale des accidents de la route: rapport final (a)    Bruxelles: SSTC, 2001 (SP0900)
[To download

Impact van Ruimtelijke Ordening op Duurzame Verkeersveiligheid; Analyse van de Belgische Situatie. Deelstudie 3: Verkeersimpact van landinrichting in relatie tot de wegeninfrastructuur: eindrapport (b)    Brussel: DWTC, 2001 (SP0901)
[To download

Impact van Ruimtelijke Ordening op Duurzame Verkeersveiligheid; Analyse van de Belgische Situatie: samenvatting    Brussel: DWTC, 2001 (SP0902)
[To download

Impact of spatial planning on sustainable traffic safety; Belgian situation analysis: summary    Brussels: OSTC, 2001 (SP0903)
[To download