Research project MD/DD/22 (Research action MD)
Research objectives
The overall goal of this study is to improve strategies in mobility management for the home to work trips. This must be done by the development of recommendations concerning measures which can be used to influence these displacements and by the dissemination of the results of the research. This will be done in close collaboration with experts in management of the mobility, the actors implied (such as employers and employees) and the representatives of the local, regional and national authorities.
The overall goal is thus to identify which set of measures (both site oriented and framework conditions measures) can be effective, acceptable and feasible for mobility management purposes. Therefore this study wants to assess a number of measures on their possible effect, acceptability and feasibility for mobility management purposes.
Two kinds of measures will be taken into account during this study:
a. direct site oriented measures : measures that can be applied for a specific site;
b. Measures that can improve framework conditions for mobility management in companies. These measures are not specific to the site but create favorable conditions because they have an impact on all the home to work trips.
The end product of the project will be a whole of measures which can be used in mobility management and be regarded as tools for the experts in mobility management.
The unfolding of this study will comprise 6 parts presented hereafter:
Part 1: inventory of existing and possible measures influencing the home to work trips
The first step of the project will consist in an inventory as exhaustive as possible of the existing and potential measures for which the application has a direct impact on people mobility in the framework of home to work trips. The research will be realised through classic research tools : existing state of the art reviews, specialised literature, Belgian and foreign regulations, etc.
In order to complete usefully the state of the art, case studies will be analysed in depth. The priority will be given to the study of concrete measures which represent/accompany these initiatives and their impacts.
This preliminary research will close with the hearing of Belgian and foreign experts on mobility.
All the measures identified in the three preliminary phases will be then classified in a table regarding various factors.
Part 2 : Selection of the measures to be evaluated
After collecting as much as existing and potential measures as possible, only some of them will be selected to be assessed.
The purpose is of course to assess the measures that could be concretely applied in our country and not to spend time at discussing measures with no possible future at belgian level.
Part 3 : evaluation of the acceptibility of the measures
The objective is to assess the acceptability/feasability of the measures and find out how the measures can be optimally introduced.
Regarding the kind of measures, a suitable methodology will be adopted for the evaluation of the acceptability/feasability. The methods considered are primarily: surveys, thorough interviews of focus groups and experts opinions.
Part 4 : Assessment of the effectiveness of the measures
It aims to assess the selected measures as to their contribution to mobility management objectives, i.e. provoking a modal shift in the home to work travel or at least contributing to it.
Methodology used will depend on the nature of the measure considered. Two of these
methodologies are : stated preferences analysis and in depth interviews of focus groups.
Part 5 : recommendations
It is very important to make the research results available in order to arise awareness among all competence levels. The purpose is to make all the decision makers aware of the tools they can use to optimise home to work trips. For this purpose the consortium proposes to write a guide-book that will gather the results of the research.
Part 6 : dissemination of the results
The dissemination part is crucial regarding the expected objectives of this research. The first dissemination action will be to distribute the guide-book mentioned in part 5 in the most approriate way. The dissemination of the results could also be done through round tables that will be organised for punctual target publics (Ministry of Communication and Infrastructure, Ministry of Finance, political bodies, Regions, towns, social partners, etc.). Finally, a press release could be written for the specialised press.
Links with the sustainable development
Company transport plans, fighting against the mobility generated by companies, can perfectly be integreted in a political of durable mobility aiming at limiting the harmful effects and the costs generated by the growth of the mobility of people and goods. Within the framework of such policy, company transport plans form part of the measures aiming at ensuring in the long run both an increased and collectively effective mobility and an improved accessibility by integrating at the same time the targets of economic growth, solidarity and safeguard of the environment, three essential conditions of the sustainable development.
Pistes et outils pour une gestion durable des déplacements domicile-travail
André, Véronique - Heylen, Els - Boniver, Véronique ... et al. Bruxelles: SSTC, 2000 (SP0627)
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Denkpistes en werkinstrumenten ten behoeve van een duurzame beheersing van de woon-werkverplaatsingen
André, Véronique - Heylen, Els - Boniver, Véronique ... et al. Brussel: DWTC, 2000 (SP0628)
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Etudes des instruments influençant la mobilité engendrée par les générateurs de trafic: rapport final
Bruxelles: SSTC, 2001 (SP0907)
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Etudes des instruments influencant la mobilité engendrée par les générateurs de trafic: résumé
Bruxelles: SSTC, 2001 (SP0908)
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Study of the instruments influencing mobility engendered by traffic generators: summary report
Brussels: OSTC, 2001 (SP0909)
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