Wavelet Based Data Assimilation and Innovative Coupling Methods in Aladin

Research project MO/34/011 (Research action MO)

Persons :

Description :

The implementation of a high-resolution numerical forecasting model is fundamental in making precise, detailed and reliable short-term weather forecasts (up to 48 hours). The main purpose of the project is to improve the current situation by implementing a new formulation of the Aladin Belgium model, with particular reference to its "analysis" and "coupling" components.

An important avenue of research will be ongoing investigation of wavelet-based methods. This research began recently at IRM within the framework of the I MO/34/002 activity. The wavelet concept was introduced into meteorology in recent years (Fournier, 2000). Wavelets make it possible to simultaneously analyse the location and scale of the data and therefore combine the characteristics of spectral and grid-point representations.