Research project MO/37/001 (Research action MO)
The project is related to the problem of the origin and evolution of continental rits, and to the effects of active tectonics on the natural environment of rift basins. The project TECTORIFT has evidenced the importance of external forces, related to the Himalaya collision, on the recent tectonics of Central Asia, and particularly their influence on the formation of extensional basins. The extension phase of the project TECTORIFT intends to reconstruct the temporal evolution of basins in Central Asia, particularly the Baikal basin and the Teletskoye graben, and to define and to evaluate the importance of "active" and "passive" rifting processes. The effects of both processes on the natural environment of the rifts will be defined, as well as on the sedimentary fill. The project will combine different methods, as well for the study of the surroundings of the bassins as for the basins themselves : analysis of satellite images, construction of digital terrain models, structural analysis, paleostress measurements, analysis of seismic profiles, mathematical modelling.