Publication of the scientific catalogue of 15th Century paintings preserved in the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium

Research project MO/40/001 (Research action MO)

Persons :

  • Dr.  BUSSERS Helena - Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium ()
    Financed belgian partner
    Duration: 1/1/1999-31/12/2000

Description :

A stock was drawn up of a total of 83 works from the south of the Netherlands in the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium. The contract includes the study of the “Hieronymus Bosch”, “Albrecht Bouts”, “Gerard David”, “Colijn de Coter” and “Goossen van der Weyden” groups .
Each painting was subjected to a thorough, stylistic, iconographic, historical and technical study in which close cooperation between members of the team was indispensable. The contribution made by the most recent scientific research techniques such as radiography, infrared reflex copying, dendrochronology was of decisive importance here.