Towards a future Belgian policy for protecting the North Sea. Social and economic consequences

Research project MS/B/12 (Research action MS)

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Description :

The study aims to draw up some options for a future policy in Belgium which will make possible sustainable use of the North Sea and explore the social and economic consequences of the various options by :

1. Identifying the various use functions of the North Sea in Belgium and examining under what conditions one can arrive at an equilibrium between these different use functions so that a sustainable use of the North Sea becomes possible.

2. Identifying the measures which are required in order to combat the negative effects of certain use functions with a view to protecting and, where possible, restoring the North Sea.

3. Exploring, via models and case studies, the social and economic consequences of implementing specific top-priority measures to protect the North Sea.

4. Placing the Belgian North Sea policy within the context of a dynamic development of the national, regional, European and international environmental policy with respect to the North Sea by comparing it with the policies of several neighbouring countries.