Research project NM/A/18 (Research action NM)
There is a great need for means to give, to consumers as well as professionals, information about the existing regulations on the consumer safety. In the framework of this study, we look into the various guidelines that set forward the rules for the safety of a certain product and the way in which these guidelines are translated into national law for the following subjects: toys, personal protection equipments, machines and low voltage, medical devices, construction products, lifts and general product safety. In order to attune these information means to the needs of the target group in the best possible way, the consumer behaviour must be taken into account. For that purpose the consumers will be consulted.
The project has 4 objectives:
- a qualitative analysis of the information needs in the field of safety protection;
- the preparation of texts for leaflets (1 per guideline) destined to the consumers and dealing with safety matters, based on a study of the regulations (guidelines, laws and standards);
- the development of a database containing all the names of organisations that are active in the safety protection;
- the preparation of technical files (1 per guideline) for the Ministry of Economic Affairs, to inform "small manufacturers, exporters and distributors" who wish to design and make, export or distribute products that meet the regulation requirements.
The project is split up in 3 phases.
Phase 1: A qualitative analysis of the consumers' information needs
The results of this phase will be used to work out effective communication means.
The first part consists of a survey among institutions and organisations. The consumers' needs are evaluated on the basis of questions and complaints about safety matters, that were addressed to the Ministry of Economic Affairs and to other organisations.
The second part is a qualitative survey among a small group of consumers. Individual as well as group surveys were conducted in order to get a view of the consumers' behaviour, expectations, knowledge and experiences in the field of safety.
Phase 2: Juridical and practical aspects of the product safety for consumers, manufacturers and public authorities
This study aims at a detailed analysis of the guidelines, Belgian regulations and Royal Decrees bearing on the various subjects we selected for this study. This analysis must allow us to make a comparison between the different regulations and the general law on the consumer safety.
Phase 3: The working-out of communication means
Different sorts of communication means will be worked out:
- texts for leaflets destined to the consumer:
these texts take into account e.g. the questions asked by the consumers, the information that is required to recognise a safe product and the necessary documents that have to accompany a product;
- an inventory of organisations and institutions:
organisations, institutions and services that are active in the field of safety and prevention, will be stored in an Access database. This database will be permanently updated. More explicit information about the organisations in question will be gathered through the distribution of a questionnaire;
- recapitulating texts for the professionals:
these texts explain the regulations. Particular attention is given to the sections that are of interest to the professionals, e.g. the safety requirements, the procedures that have to be respected. The texts are based on the results of phase 2. They are completed with information about accidents.
The "Centre du Droit de la Consommation" was charged to execute phase 2. This study consists of a describing and an evaluating approach of the various guidelines and regulations.
The CRIOC "Centre de Recherche et d'Information des Organisations de Consommateurs") is in charge of the realisation of phases 1 and 3, i.e. the working-out of communication means based on the consumers' information needs.
This project will lead to various sorts of results and by-products:
- a database containing all the institutions and organisations that deal with safety matters;
- texts for 7 different leaflets: toys (published already), personal protection equipment (1 brochure on do-it-yourself and 1 brochure on sports; published already), machines and low voltage, medical devices (lenses), general product safety (risk analysis), lifts and construction products;
- technical files (1 file per guideline) for the Ministry of Economic Affairs and the professionals;
- juridical studies: 1 per guideline;
- information on the web site of the CRIOC and links to web sites of the consumer organisations.
A users committee directs the whole project. Its task consists of watching over the coherence between all the different actions and over the good course of the project. The committee will meet once every 6 months.
The target group of this project consists of:
- the consumers,
- the administration,
- the professionals,
- all the organisations and institutions that deal with safety and prevention.
Centre de Recherche et d'Information des Organisations de Consommateurs
Rue des Chevaliers 18
Tel: +32 2 547.06.30
Fax: +32 2 547.06.01
Université Catholique de Louvain
Centre du Droit de la Consommation
Place Montesquieu 2
Tel: +32 10 47.85.31
Fax: +32 10 47.85.32
De veiligheid van de consumenten : eindrapport
Brussel : Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2005 (SP1476)
[To download]
De veiligheid van de consumenten : bijlage
Brussel : Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2005 (SP1477)
[To download]