Research project NM/A/25 (Research action NM)
The number of sources of electromagnetic radiation is increasing in the industry. One important example is the antennas that are used for GSM communication. Wireless networks will also be widely used in the near future in the industry. Another example is the induction heating used for sealing application.
In the framework of international norms for maximum allowable radiation levels for workers, there is a need for a measurement procedure to determine the electromagnetic fields around the sources in the industry.
The objective of the project is to contribute to the standardisation of the acquisition of electromagnetic fields in the industry. The measurement procedures are developed in such a way that measurements can give a decisive answer about the potential danger for the health of the exposed workers. When executing the measuring procedure it must be possible to demarcate an unsafe zone.
When developing the measuring procedure, attention must be spent to the feasibility of the procedure concerning time needed to characterise a source and the accuracy of the characterisation. These are usually two opposite requirements, on the basis of which an acceptable compromise will be derived.
First of all, an inventory of the electromagnetic radiation sources in the industry has been made. The list contains all characteristics of the sources such as power and frequencies and is constructed based on literature research and on contacts with the industry.
On the basis of the source characteristics, a measurement procedure has been developed. From the inventory, it was clear that there was a wide range of sources and that many categories of sources required a specific approach for the development of a measuring procedure. Therefore, the research efforts have been in first instance focused on the measurement of radiation around RF antennas. This is the most prevalent electromagnetic source in the industry due to the large number of base station antennas used for GSM communication.
The available measuring procedures in the literature have been thoroughly studied. To develop the measuring procedure, an electromagnetic software tool has been used by which the measurement of fields produced by the sources can be simulated. Further, the requirements for the equipment to be used have been investigated.
As workers can approach the source (or in other words be exposed by the near field of the sources), special attention must be paid to the influence of the measuring probe on the measured electromagnetic field. Therefore, this has been studied in detail. Further, it is sometimes needed to determine the absorption of the radiation in a model of a worker’s body instead of the electromagnetic fields. This has also been accounted for in the procedure.
As a next step, the procedure has been applied to a RF antenna (GSM base station antenna). Application to a low-frequency source is under study. Based on these applications, the measuring procedure is adjusted. Although the measuring procedure is developed for a specific number of applications, most parts of the procedure are generally applicable to characterisation of other sources.
Finally, the research will be translated to input for the suitable working groups in the international standardisation institutes such as CENELEC, the European institute for electro-technical standardisation.
The expected results will be a standard measuring procedure that can be used to characterise electromagnetic fields in the industry.
In the measurement procedure, the requirements for the measuring equipment will be described. This can be later used to accredit a lab on the basis of the verification of the measurement equipment and measuring procedure.
In the framework of the European COST 281 project ("Potential Health Implications from Mobile Communication Systems"), contacts are made with European research labs that work on comparable measuring procedures.
- S. Van den Bossche (Mobistar)
- P. Niemegeers (Belgacom Mobile)
- A. Blondeel (Bekaert VDS)
- J. Nicolas (Ministry of Economic Affairs, Division Quality and Safety)
Universiteit Gent
Vakgroep Informatietechnologie
Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41
B-9000 GENT
Tel: +32 9 264.33.33
Fax: +32 9 264.35.93
Onderzoek naar elektromagnetische velden in de industrie: bronnen, meetprocedures en regelgeving : eindrapport
Brussel : Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2005 (SP1482)
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