Research project NM/C/06 (Research action NM)
The Belgian legislation compels to the application of self-controls measures based on the HACCP principles, in milk collecting, standardisation, treating and processing centres (A.R. of 7 March 1994). On the other hand, raw milk producers are only submitted to an analytical result obligation (somatic cells, germs, …). Moreover, these results characterise the “quality” of their milk. When results are beyond certain limits, there only exists few ways to find the origin of the contamination.
- Farmers awareness
The aim is to grow awareness of raw milk producers by informing them about the evolution of the legislation and their role in front of manufacturers and consumers. This awareness program underlines advantages they may take out of applying the HACCP method (Hazard Analysis of Critical Control Point) and the hygiene principles in raw milk production.
During this first step, it is important to show that HACCP and QFL (“Qualité Filière Lait”) are two complementary preventive methods that allow to control problems in relation with milk quality. The QFL consists in specifications concerning animal health, animal welfare, breeding practices, hygiene and environment. It was put in place by the Belgian confederation of milk industry (CBL) in collaboration with the four Belgians professional associations (UPA-UDEF, AAB, Boerenbond and ABS). The application of these specifications is a general method applied in milk farms delivering to dairy industry and where the milk undergoes a thermal treatment. HACCP is a more flexible method that can be adapted to every kind of manufacture, even the smallest ones. It allows to answer to more specific needs and to special categories of producers questions. Its disadvantage comes from a too heavy administrative burden for isolated farmer.
- Practical methodology
The application of HACCP with experimental dairy producers allows to define which practical problems might be met. This field knowledge added to a summery of the different works done on the origins of contamination in farms permit to point real risks that might occur in different kinds of farms.
The aim is then to define a simplified methodology adapted to the work done in farms that will ensure the required quality for milk products. To reduce as much as possible the administrative burden, the existing documents related to quality approach (AA milk, QFL, bio…) that might already exist in the farms are used.
We offer a technical support to help farmers to get familiar with this method that should help them to analyse easily, by themselves, each problem that might be met in their work.
To avoid confusion between QFL and HACCP, the methodology is only used for milk production in the context of “cow-to-consumer” milk farmers as an extension to the traditional use of HACCP. Indeed, several other HACCP studies realised at the “Unité de technologie des industries agroalimentaires” at small-scale production concerns have shown that many hazards are linked to raw milk and that actual tests on milk (total germs, somatic cells, …) are not enough to supply growing manufacturers exigencies. This approach starts from the husbandry to sale to the consumer in a homogenous and continuous way.
We integrate QFL in HACCP system underlining the common points between these two quality systems. We also show that the QFL approach must be completed because it does not take care of the bacteriological hazards linked to products manufactured with raw milk (more precisely Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella spp). The collected information when using HACCP in milk production can be used to arise the efficiency of the QFL approach.
The information sessions have the aim to grow awareness of farmers to the HACCP method. They explain why food legislation has to be applied and show how to use it in the context of milk products manufactured on farm.
The results of the research for food risk and the defined method during this study are summarised in a guide for the application of self-controls in “cow-to-consumer” farms. This guide helps the manufacturer farmers to put in place self-controls by themselves (or with a minimal external help).
This project is managed by a committee made of different organisms from the milk sector. Their representatives steer the project thanks to their practical knowledge and help us for information spreading.
- Mr Beirens and Wautelet (Ministère des Classes Moyennes et de l’agriculture)
- Mrs Guillaume (Confédération Belge de l’industrie Laitière)
- Mrs Königs (Comité du lait)
- Mr Leloup (Boerenbond)
- Mr Lenclud (Fédération Wallonne de l'Agriculture)
- Mr Leroy (Algemeen Boeren Syndicaat)
- Mr Masure (Fédération Wallonne de l'Agriculture)
- Mr Théwis (FUSAGx, Unité de Zootechnie)
The defined documents are targeted to milk producers willing to improve the quality of their products and/or to put themselves in conformity with the legislation.
Claude DEROANNE and Marianne SINDIC
Faculté universitaire des Sciences Agronomiques de Gembloux
Unité de technologie des industries agro-alimentaires
Passage des Déportés 2
Tel: +32 81 62.23.06
Fax: +32 81 60.17.67
Hygiène en production laitière: sensibilisation et méthodologie pratique pour évaluer les risques : rapport final
Bruxelles : Politique scientifique fédérale, 2005 (SP1492)
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