Inventory of manufacturing needs arising from the implementation of the Community directive on machinery

Research project NO/A/004 (Research action NO)

Persons :

Description :


The UCRC (Union of Collective Research Centres) prepared an inventory of the industrial needs which derive from implementation of the ´machinery directive´.

The ´machinery directive´ is a Community Directive (at the time of the research: directive 89/392/EEC and its amendments) which provides the legal regulations that machines must satisfy in terms of safety. In order to satisfy these regulations, the manufacturer of a particular machine must prepare a construction file and deliver a declaration of conformity to the user.

The construction file indicates by reference to standards how the machine satisfies the directive. The declaration of conformity specifies which standards the machine satisfies.

The project

The purpose of the study is to draw up an inventory of the needs of machinery manufacturers and machinery users. One first defines the needs of the machinery manufacturers for implementing the machinery directive, and then the needs of the machinery users for verifying the machines.

After a documentation phase and a pilot phase, 1300 companies were contacted. Of the contacted companies, 41 machinery manufacturers and 157 machinery users took part in the survey. This sample is certainly representative for the study.

The partners :

Four research centres of the UCRC (Union of Collective Research Centres) were involved in this study :

- WTCM/CRIF (Scientific and technical centre of the metallurgical industry)
Diamant Building
A. Reyerslaan 80
1030 Brussels
Tel.: 02/706.81.00
Fax: 02/706.81.09

- WTCB/CSTC (Belgian Building Research Institute)
Lozenberg I

1932 Sint-Stevens-Woluwe
tel.: 02/716.42.11
Fax: 02/725.32.12

- Centexbel (Scientific and technical centre of the Belgian textile industry)
Montoyerstraat 24
1000 Brussels
Tel. 02/287.08.30
Fax: 02/230.68.15

- TCHN/CTIB (Technical centre of the wood industry)
Hof ter Vleest dreef 24
1070 Brussels
Tel.: 02/558.15.51
Fax: 02/558.15.89

Expected products and results

The UCRC was able to prepare an inventory of the industrial needs of the machinery manufacturers and machinery users. Not only the machinery directive but also other directives were addressed in the survey.

As far as knowledge of directives is concerned, one can say that the technical content of the machinery directive is insufficiently known, both among the machinery manufacturers (only 37% of the companies has enough information) and among machinery users (only 31% of the companies has enough information). There is a need for technical assistance with regard to the machinery directive, concerning both standards and interpretations of the directive.

Machinery users generally do not understand that, if they modify machines, they must meet the machinery directive. Knowledge of the other directives is even poorer.

As for knowledge of standards, it appears that both machinery manufacturers and machinery users have a crying lack of knowledge when it comes to making a selection of standards which apply to a machine and to applying these standards. In the first place, the companies must be provided with lists of standards. These lists must contain not only standards, but also explanations of those standards.

Since most companies have difficulties with selecting standards, it would be wise to provide them with a flexible aid with which they can select a list with standards relevant for a specific application. Here the prEN standards must be treated as equivalent to EN standards, because they are the future standards for the industry.

Most companies thus need additional information concerning directives and standardisation. It is above all the technical centres which must play a central role in this effort.

As for future initiatives, one can solve the need for technical information by making available a permanent information platform to the companies, which must be able to train and inform all companies (but above all the SME´s) about the machinery directive.

In the short term, initiatives must be taken to help companies with implementing the Work Equipment Directive. This directive includes the safety aspects of all equipment in the workplace.

Furthermore, a feasibility study must be done concerning a database which must aid in selecting standards relating to the machinery directive. Subsequently, other directives can also be addressed.

Documentation :

Inventarisatie van de industriële noden die volgen uit de implementatie van "machinerichtlijn : eindverslag    Brussel : Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2007 (SP1818)