Standards and directives for validating methods in chemistry laboratories

Research project NO/B/003 (Research action NO)

Persons :

Description :

Five tasks have been identified:

- An analysis of the present situation, including terminology, conducted with due regard for the efforts which have already been made to define systematic approaches which could serve as appropriate points of departure;

- A study of several specific fields of application (more particularly the pharmacopeia and bioanalysis) and certain known technical problems which are blocking the development of directives;

- The definition of a general approach and standard finalized procedures for validating methods. Such standard procedures will have to be practical and cost effective. Consequently minimal directives will be defined (with rules which facilitate deciding the cases in which the minimal directives are not adequate);

- Pre-standardization research into the validation of multivariable directions.

- Encouraging acceptance of the directions developed.

Documentation :

Summary of the final report:
See Dutch version or French version

Normen en richtlijnen voor methodenvalidatie in chemische laboratoria : eindverslag    Brussel : Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid, 2003 (SP1163)
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